SOTD : Saturday 27 August - Friday 2 September 2022.

Prep: Face wash with Simple face wash
Pre: None
Razor: Rockwell 6S (6)
Blade: Gillette 7 o’clock yellow (3)
Brush: Alpha Outlaw
S Soap: Yaqi Green
Post: Yaqi Green AS + L'Occitane - Cedrat ASB

A great shave! Perfect, effortless finish on plate 6.
Wishing you all a great week ahead with the exact same characteristics; perfect & effortless.


I had similar issues when using badger brushes with harder soaps. They can be greedy and thirsty. I found it much easier to first load the brush directly from the puck, then bowl lather, or just face lather directly. I do this all the time with my badger brushes now and it makes a big difference to the ease of lathering and you tend to get a better feel for collecting the right amount of soap. YMMV.
Tuesday August 30, 2022
Razor: Roller Guard Razor
Blade: Wizamet
Brush: Spartan Custom/Cashmere
Soap: Mcduff's Birch + Root
AS 1: Humphrey's Alcoholado Maravilla 70
AS 2: Nivea 2 into 1
Consecutive Daily Shaves - # 1,393

Some realize they made a roller guard they sold to use with the Gillette old types but fewer know the company had a complete Roller Guard Razor as well. I've had the Guard before in the green box and sold it as I acquired some time ago the actual Roller Guard Razor. The Guard does indeed actually roll as you shave. Some blade feel, but a mild yet efficient shave. Have a great day Everyone !

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Slightly different on the underside ... same "Roller Guard Razor Co" but "Patent XXXXX" on the lower part. The handle is just some Frankenrazor thing.

From memory, yes, a mild shave due to the slight exposure and minimal gap akin to the PAL/Personna Tech-alikes? Fun!

30 August

PAA Dapper Doc’s
PAA The Green Ray
Rockwell 6S
Feather Hi-Stainless
Bart’s Balm Ben Kilbreck

Not very colour coordinated but a cracking shave none the less. Two smooth and comfortable passes with the Rockwell, and a good fragrant lather with the PA accoutrements.
Tue 30 SR SOTD on another long work trip. For the first time, brought a few of my fav SRs
Soap Signature Soaps Hibernia
Brush Yaqi 24mm Green Mink
Razor Friedr Herder Abr. Sohn 77
Aftershave Signature Soaps Hibernia Splash
Wonderful quality creamy and slick with a refreshing scent too enhanced by the matching splash.
My first travel true SR shave! Brought 5 for this long trip and started with this excellent razor with a smooth and comfortable edge. 3passes for an acceptable ccs result with 2 micro red spots. Really enjoyed the experience...
Tue 30th August

Omega 11126 boar
Hampshire Wool Fat soap
Claymore Evolution
Kai Captain Titan Protouch MG ( 4 )
GB Grey Flannel A/S Lotion

Used The Evo as a travel Razor at the weekend.and it was so good I had to use it today. Even better results in my home Shaving environment.

SOTD 30-Aug

Brush: Chubby 2 SiLVERTiP
Soap: Old Spice
Razor: ER Streamline
Blade: ER Corux (1)
Post: Old Spice AS

Had a quick look at the blades supplied with the ER Ambassador and they seemed serviceable. There's a lot more weight to these than the modern GEM blades, of course it doesn't have the notches or middle cut out either so makes sense.

First pass impression, seems to make significantly more noise than the PTFE GEM blades, more an observation rather than anything significant. Smooth feeling straight away and a decent amount mowed down, second pass took the rest. I will say I didn't feel like I needed a first shave to break it in as I do with the modern efforts so that's a plus.

Happy days, I may have to do a side by side with the blades to get a straight up comparison but overall can't complain. I won't be going out of my way to hunt additional blades down when they're gone as I'm perfectly happy with the moderns but it's a small change of pace.

Hope everyone has a grand day!

