SOTD: Saturday 19 - Friday 25 November 2022.

Back onto another sample, Barr & Mann Plague. I paired with Fine Barber blue, as that has some floral notes - works well together, with just a bit of remaining plague after the rinse off. [I still prefer the War, which I know goes against the general consensus I picked up from those who have been trying the Barr & Mann 4 Horsemen]

The soap performed brilliantly, nice and slick, which helped the M2 black handled Superspeed with one of the M2 (1967) Gillette Super blades from the magazine that came with the razor. I have had a very smooth shave, but needed 3 passes. I feel I managed a BBS and smell reasonably nice.

Have a super day everyone


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Pre - Sainsbury's Luxury Soap, Bergamot & Nectarine
Brush - Simpson Duke 3 Best Badger
Soap - Stirling Soap co. Bay Rum
Razor - Blackland Tradere
Blade - Wizamet Super Iridium
Post - Cold water Rinse
Balm - Tonyschin's Cedarwood and Patchouli Argan Oil and Balm
A/S - DR Harris Bay Rum

Yea, that was a nice shave. I do enjoy using a nice Bay Rum soap, the lather was easy to build and the scent was reaching a 10 in the strength of it.
The Tradere fitted with a Wizamet proved to be a very efficient coupling. 2 passes was all that was required for a very smooth comfortable BBS finish.
A nice post shave finishing with a good splash of the DR Harris.
Yea, that was nice.
Stay safe and enjoy your day all.
SOTD 22-Oct

Brush: Chubby 1 Best
Soap: A&E The Novelist
Razor: WR3 0.50
Blade: GEM PTFE (10)
Post: A&E The Novelist AS

After an enjoyable time using the Tatara Ti passaround it's now a return to the rotation. A brilliant irritation free finish this morning, after using this A&E a couple of times over the past few weeks I forgot how much I liked it. Tried to do a bit of digging and it looks like it's a dupe of 1899 histoires de parfums, which if that's the case I may have to dig deep and pick one up!

Hope everyone has had a grand day!


Tue 22nd November

Alpha Classic G4 28mm
Ach Brito Mogno
Yaqi Raster V1
Schick Proline ( 2 )
Pitralon Classic A/S Lotion

A rather late Shave today so deviated from rotation with The Raster. Am quite liking it with The Proline instead of a guarded blade.Very pleased with the finished result.
Probably a busy day tomorrow as son may need help recovering car, as he was run into by Foreign HGV !!. Likely to be a tricky insurance claim


SOTD: 22/11/2022

Razor: Blackland Vector
Blade: Feather Pro, 1st use
Brush: Knothead Brush Works 26mm AP Shave Co. Synbad
Bowl: 3D Printed Bowl
Preshave: PAA Cube Unscented Soap
Soap: PAA Future Fiction Croap
Aftershave: PAA Future Fiction Cologne and EDT
Balm: L’Oréal All In 1 Moisturising Cream Balm

So the day of the Vector has arrived! Was it a knockout, a slow burn or 1 and out? It’s hard to judge on one use, it wasn’t the instant love I had for the Shield, but an excellent shave none the less. Initially I found it a bit sharp, for want of the better word, but as I carried on came to the conclusion it was likely the feather pro as I always find this a little sharp on the first use or two. It’s reputation for manoeuvrability is obviously well deserved, as is it’s efficiency with practice I could definitely see myself getting away with two passes. It certainly found the usual hard to reach places under the nose and over the Adam’s apple a breeze. I still feel like I have a DFS at this point in the day and I shaved at 6:00 this morning so that’s a big win.
The only slight downside is the head, in being so slim doesn’t capture a lot of soap/bristles so I will need to get used to shorter strokes and more regular rinsing than I’ve been used to on other razors. It’s not a major issue just something to get used to. Over all I’m really happy with it, I can see it will take a little getting used to and some technique adjustments but that’s all part of the fun for me when I get a new razor!
22 November

Sterling Campania
Yaqi Dandelion
Razorock Hawk v3
Feather Professional
Signature Soaps Hibernia

A third consecutive great shave with the Razorock Hawk. Practice seems to be improving the results. This morning I had a lovely lather from the Stirling Campania and a two pass shave gave a close yet comfortable result.

Pre - Palmolive Sea Minerals
Brush - Zenith B07 (24mm/58mm bleached bristles)
Soap - Razorock WTP Gold
Razor - Gillette Flat Bottom
Blade - Gillette 365 (7)
Post - Lea Balm
AS - Brut Oceans

In the 'cupboard of shame' (things I stopped using and forgot about), I found a neglected Zenith B07 which I decided I'd give a go for today's shave. Once I started to try to build the lather, I once again remembered why I never took to this brush. Zenith's unbleached bristles can produce a knot which is scrubby and efficient for soap consumption, but the bleached offering I own, even though it has the softest tips of any brush I own, it is a brush that seems to eat lather and it's not a very enjoyable to build a lather with. It seems to take a huge amount of soap to get a small amount of lather, well for face lathering anyway. I think this brush would be better suited to bowl lathering, which I never do, so once the brush is fully dried it will once again return into 'the cupboard of shame'.
Nonetheless, a great shave with the FHT/365.

Have a good day gents.

Razor = ATT Windsor Copper
Blade = Gillette Nacet ( 1 )
Brush = Yaqi Cavern lake 24mm Badger
Soap = DG Sunrise On Lasalle with matching splash
Balm = Nivea Sensitive Pro

A very decent & acceptable shave today.
although the dury out on this windsor for me
I don’t really use it enough but saying that i’m unsure if i actually like it.
Suppose i might persevere.
The Soap was top drawer and one of the few DG soaps i actually like.
Overall a nice 7/10 shave so not to bad.
Onwards & Upwards
Stay Safe Boys & Girls
Merkur 15C :: Gillette Silver Blue blade (1) :: Cyril R Salter soap :: Yaqi 24mm synthetic brush :: Lea Classic splash

First ever go with Cyril R Salter soap ... what a pleasure! A quite strong but pleasant (lavender) scent, a superb lather.
Also first ever Gillette Silver Blue blade: a smooth shave, good closeness. Perhaps helped by the excellent soap.
As you can tell I am in my experimentation phase, and since I tried two new things, I will have to repeat the experiment with better designed controls...