SOTD: Saturday 19 - Friday 25 November 2022.



Absolutely loving the Era with the SB level 4 plate. I’m not a lover of blade feel and there is hardly any with this combo.

First shave with my NOS Kent T4. I have a T8 which I really like but the T4 like the BK4 is a better size for me.

I think I may be an outlier on the forum as I prefer Minimum blade feel and soft brushes, then again it takes all sorts.
Monday 21st November

No Photos for a little while. I am just playing around with 'Stuff' to decide what I want to take with me to Pembrokeshire at the end of the week. A shave for next week will be posted on Friday

Pre: Olive Oil Soap
Brush: Omega S10081
Soap: Nivea Sensitive Pro Liquid
Razor: Focus R28 Slim Al Shavette/London Bridge
Post: Rosehip Oil, Bond Classic AS

It always takes a couple of days with a shavette to regain the effectiveness. By the end of the week.....I should be properly up to speed!
3 passes for a very nice shave indeed!

Off now to find somewhere to hide for a month until the World cup finishes!
When you've found somewhere to hide for the month until the World cup finishes, let me know I'll join you! Great minds....
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Razor: Razoroc Game Changer OC .64
Blade: Wilkinson Sword India (1)
Brush: Stirling Boar
Soap: Stirling Glacial Satsuma
Splash: Stirling Satsuma

So the .64 wins in the end, same BBS result as the .84 but easier to manage and handle.
Did not like the boar brush at all. I wash hoping for something stiff and exfoliating but instead it was flexible and wirey, not holding heat or water well, straight in the sell pile.
Can I separate the Glacial Satsuma from the Lemon Chill? That's going to be hard, Satsuma is warm and spicy, more of a winter fragrance where I don't want menthol. Lemon Chill is much more summery where I want menthol, a few more uses might make that difference.
Monday 21st November
InjecTR v1 3D - Schick Proline B #1 - Signature Soaps Novus Spice - Zenith 507 - Boots Freshwood AS - Aloe Vera Gel

I was recently gifted a number of 3D printed razors from Roger Quintero aka SlimGem. They are all his 3D designs and prints.
The InjecTR v1 is the first of my set of shaves where I can show them off.
The blade loading design is the same as this AC version. Of which I'll be shaving soon.

What a sweet shave that was. The Novus Spice worked exceptionally well today after lathering in my Giles scuttle. The scent was wonderful.
Thank you. Best Regards Brian
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