SOTD SAT 19th TO FRI 25th DEC 2015


Shave & Scent of the day with:
Soap: Phoenix Eh +
Brush: L'Occitane Plisson Synthetic
Razor: ATT Atlas R1
Blade: Gillette 7 O'Clock Super Platinum (4)
Post #1: Mario Badescu After Shave Moisturizer
Post #2: Kiehl's Ultra Facial Moisturiser
Scent: Chergui by Serge Lutens

The Eh + soap was great. Very nice lather & performance. Perfect scent this time of the year!
Bodyshop Maca Root Cream
Whipped Dog Customs 24mm Synthetic
Hone Type 15
Gillette Swede [1]
Barbus AS
Bodyshop Maca Root Face Protector

This is one outstanding razor. This is the first razor that I've tried that allows me an ATG pass, easily, without fuss, without nick, without weepers and without any AS sting to shout about...
Yes it's heavy, but once your into the swing of the shave I simply forgot about it's weight and got on with the job. For me the handle is a perfect length but I've already demonstrate how easily a custom handle could be designed & made (see pass around thread). The head is not too big & it wasn't unwieldy in use. The fit and finish is absolutely bang on. Machining is as good as Feather/ATT - better than iKon I'd say. Fantastic all round...

The blade was the let down tonight, it just didn't have the bite for 2 days growth; it maybe just doesn't suit the razor?
This is a keeper (oh, it's a pass around, I'll have to let it go! :( )
Prep: SMN Pre
Soap: p.160
Brush: Plisson 12 HMW Vintage
Razor: Gillette NEW LC Rhodium
Blade: London Bridge (2)
After: Thayers Original Witch Hazel
Balm: Hydrolast

BBS No Fuss. And to think the same blade gave me on first run with Leresche 77 worst shave of this year.
Not at all, when I made the razor I was going for a viking theme. Not quite in the stone age, but bronze age at least. Yaba da doo
I think it's the scales - they look enormous compared to the pins.

By the way, my favourite joke is something along the lines of:

Those Arab Emirates are hard to understand - Bahrain TV doesn't allow the Flinstones to be broadcast - and neither does Dubai - but Abu Dhabi do!
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