Acquisitions Monday 11th feb to Sunday 18th

SmallBeard said:
50 Rapira Swedish Supersteel
100 Personna Lab Blue
Maca Root Shave Cream.

All arrived this morning!

Out of interest, as I've never used a cream from a tub before, just how much should I use, and how do you get it out? I'm thinking just a 10p size blob using a finger or is this wrong?

Very very silly question probably!



That's probably plenty. I haven't used Maca Root, but they usually recommend an almond sized blob for creams, but just a little bit more works better for me in my hard water area. I scoop it out with my finger and spread it on the top of my brush.
FrankieG said:
SmallBeard said:
50 Rapira Swedish Supersteel
100 Personna Lab Blue
Maca Root Shave Cream.

All arrived this morning!

Out of interest, as I've never used a cream from a tub before, just how much should I use, and how do you get it out? I'm thinking just a 10p size blob using a finger or is this wrong?

Very very silly question probably!



That's probably plenty. I haven't used Maca Root, but they usually recommend an almond sized blob for creams, but just a little bit more works better for me in my hard water area. I scoop it out with my finger and spread it on the top of my brush.

Cheers for that, I'll try a tad less and see how I get on. I've just started face lathering so might put it in my hand, get a hand lather going then wipe on my face and carry on, that's how I've done the tube creams.

Thanks again
SmallBeard said:
50 Rapira Swedish Supersteel
100 Personna Lab Blue
Maca Root Shave Cream.

All arrived this morning!

Out of interest, as I've never used a cream from a tub before, just how much should I use, and how do you get it out? I'm thinking just a 10p size blob using a finger or is this wrong?

Very very silly question probably!



Can't fault your choice in blades, Alex... enjoy!

Cream from a tub: they do say almond-sized. I always do double-almond-sized... that way I'm sure I get enough lather... hate running out if I need a few "difficult" touch-ups. And... however lovely it smells/performs you'll still get impatient to try out new stuff... so why not use it up more quickly!

This razor turned up in Tuesday's post it is a Schick J3 Golden 500, an e-bay purchase from the weekend. I payed £4.99 for the razor and £3.00 postage which has to be a bargain.

I was the only bidder on the razor, this always makes me think, what have I missed that all those other people have spotted? In this case the answer was nothing at all, I call it e-bay paranoia!

It needed no more than a light scrub with a toothbrush and some fairy liquid. There are 18 blades in the dispenser and there was one in the razor and one in the used blade compartment of the dispenser.

The dummy blade was still in the case. It looks like the razor was possibly only used for the life of the one blade plus whatever use the one in the razor had. There is no instruction pamphlet, which I believe they all had but I am not complaining.

I have now had two shaves from it, it is a mild and easy to use razor, but the handle is IMHO longer than it needs to be, I suppose that was the change in fashion at the time this razor was made, probably about 1960.



Norfolkdick said:

This razor turned up in Tuesday's post it is a Schick J3 Golden 500, an e-bay purchase from the weekend. I payed £4.99 for the razor and £3.00 postage which has to be a bargain.

I was the only bidder on the razor, this always makes me think, what have I missed that all those other people have spotted? In this case the answer was nothing at all, I call it e-bay paranoia!

It needed no more than a light scrub with a toothbrush and some fairy liquid. There are 18 blades in the dispenser and there was one in the razor and one in the used blade compartment of the dispenser.

The dummy blade was still in the case. It looks like the razor was possibly only used for the life of the one blade plus whatever use the one in the razor had. There is no instruction pamphlet, which I believe they all had but I am not complaining.

I have now had two shaves from it, it is a mild and easy to use razor, but the handle is IMHO longer than it needs to be, I suppose that was the change in fashion at the time this razor was made, probably about 1960.



Nice find buddy, and in fabulous condition, that was the same circumstances as my Gem micromattic good reason to feel smug, you bet it is....:icon_biggrin: enjoy
So, last week after someone recommended Santa Maria Novella pre/post shave, I mentioned to my wife that she mightr want to consider a little present for Valentine's day. On speaking to the shop assistant via phone she mis-heard the price of shaving soap, so today I ended up with pre/post shave, Emulsion balm and shaving cream.

What a joy it is having a self-sufficient and loving wife. (Or should I be suspicious?)
UKRob said:
So, last week after someone recommended Santa Maria Novella pre/post shave, I mentioned to my wife that she mightr want to consider a little present for Valentine's day. On speaking to the shop assistant via phone she mis-heard the price of shaving soap, so today I ended up with pre/post shave, Emulsion balm and shaving cream.

What a joy it is having a self-sufficient and loving wife. (Or should I be suspicious?)

Na, It's when she says "no dear you go to bed first, and I'll be up in a mo" and you find a land mine in your side of the bed, thats when you need to get suspicious :icon_razz:
Got my blade selection pack from NotTheStig today. Nice wee selection of gillettes, astras rapira, tigertreet and a few others should keep me going on the blade front for at least six months (I only shave twice a week at a push three times)

WiffWaff said:
SmallBeard said:
50 Rapira Swedish Supersteel
100 Personna Lab Blue
Maca Root Shave Cream.

All arrived this morning!

Out of interest, as I've never used a cream from a tub before, just how much should I use, and how do you get it out? I'm thinking just a 10p size blob using a finger or is this wrong?

Very very silly question probably!



Can't fault your choice in blades, Alex... enjoy!

Cream from a tub: they do say almond-sized. I always do double-almond-sized... that way I'm sure I get enough lather... hate running out if I need a few "difficult" touch-ups. And... however lovely it smells/performs you'll still get impatient to try out new stuff... so why not use it up more quickly!

I'd go with the double almond (two almonds = a walnut?) especially if you have harder water. That way you should have plentiful lather...

I bought Dipeshs Weber ARC which arrived yesterday. I wanted it for a spare as I have a polished one already but I'm now thinking a UFO handle would be a better change so I'll prob put it back on BST. Also took delivery of a little red tub of Cells, some alum and a Saul super taper hair clipper to replace my crappy Remington one.
Just bought one 'Made in England' aluminium Tech which I intend to use as my travel razor. I keep telling myself (and the wife), that's it,all razor bases covered but I'm still looking lovingly at other 'English 'made models....must resist
mulligano said:
A tub of Maca root shave cream from the Body Shop arrived today! Haven't tried this stuff yet.

Just ordered myself a tub of this too. Body Shop have 40% discount today (24 hours only) so it seemed rude not to.

40% Discount code, btw, is 'LOVEYOU'.
sagesmith said:
Just ordered myself a tub of this too. Body Shop have 40% discount today (24 hours only) so it seemed rude not to.

40% Discount code, btw, is 'LOVEYOU'.

Jump on that - it's a good deal.
I bought my tub with 35% discount from a few days ago. Just used it tonight - great stuff.
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