Acquisitions Monday 11th feb to Sunday 18th

UKRob said:
Bechet45 said:
As CF says, a little dab'll do ya!

Carl, I thought you'd come over all Fred Flintstone then.

By the way, did you know that the Flinstones is not allowed in certain Arab Emirates? Dubai doesn't show it and neither does Sharja but Abu Dhabi do.

It ws stolen from Brycreem rather than Fred but whatever. a little goes a very long way.

When I lived in Kuwait, the travel question was not which country shows the Flintsstones, but can I get an alcoholic drink there!

Ebay supplied me with rather a nice leather travel set including an English Gillette Tech - all in very good condition.

A bit lighter than I'm used to, but gives an excellent shave, and will make a very nice travel kit.

and the razor:-

I was quite please at just over £10 (+P&P).


1) A Tabac shaving stick
2) A tub of Cella

The Tabac smells fine to me, I'll give it a try tomorrow and then put it away for my hols (that's what I meant to do with the Speick stick, but I ended up using it)
The Cella... don't know whether to shave with it or eat it... gorgeous smell, and I have a bit of a thing about marzipan.

All in all.... soaptastic!
A mint Puma 75, that's how it was described but I couldn't really tell it looked like NOS to me no hone wear I would imagine it's probably been honed once before, another lucky find for me, yes!




Ran across a cased vintage Merker slant the other day, in what turned out to be very nice shape. Needed some cleaning up on the silver plate and now it's very shiny. Been a long time since last seeing one of these in the wild. Same as the Hoffritz. Actually, this Merker is supposed to be a little more unusual than the Hoffritz.

dodgy said:

Ran across a cased vintage Merker slant the other day, in what turned out to be very nice shape. Needed some cleaning up on the silver plate and now it's very shiny. Been a long time since last seeing one of these in the wild. Same as the Hoffritz. Actually, this Merker is supposed to be a little more unusual than the Hoffritz.


Hi Martin that's a good find, more so finding one in the wild, that'll be worth a hansom amount of yanky $ more so if someone brought a new Merkur and loved it, but wanted to know just how better they were made back then ( and they were better made back then). :icon_razz:
Some Feather Seikan (so I'm assured) blades from Japan, presumably for the Japanese market. Haven't opened the blister pack yet, so it'll be interesting to see if they are different from the Hi-Stainless available over here. Anyway, here's a picture...


Good day to you all.

pugh-the-special-one said:
That's something that crossed my mind Carl, very observant I'll try turning the box around perhaps they will match up?


The ones I've had has benen in plastic and if I recall correct they do match.
50 Rapira Swedish Supersteel
100 Personna Lab Blue
Maca Root Shave Cream.

All arrived this morning!

Out of interest, as I've never used a cream from a tub before, just how much should I use, and how do you get it out? I'm thinking just a 10p size blob using a finger or is this wrong?

Very very silly question probably!


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