SOTD W/C saturday june 2 to friday 8


A tribute to a master craftsman - RIP Bob

BRW Bull Mastiff
Lord Racer (1)
NF 2221
Palmolive cream - scuttle lathered
Witch hazel
Institut Karite AS balm

A while since I've used my BRW razor. Only noticed for the first time tonight that the base of the handle is magnetised (like an Eclipse), meaning it's really easy to pick up a blade. Really nice touch.

My first time with a Lord blade too. Be interesting to see how long it lasts compared with Gillettes.

A very nice BBS shave, albeit with a couple of small nickaroons though this is a reasonably aggressive razor so to be expected. It certainly suits my beard much more than a Tech.
Merkur 1904
Big Ben blue (1)
TOBS Lavender cream
Kent BK2
GFT Coral Skin Food

Haven't used the 1904 since... since about 1904, I guess. Was on the point on PIFfing/selling but thought I would try it one more time as my technique has come along recently. Glad I still have it, as it was a lovely shave, and I'm still stoking my face 12 hours later. Not sure how long the Big Ben will hold out, but wanted something suitably patriotic today and don't have any British blades.
Bulldog moisturiser
Tobs luxury cream
Gillette Rocket HD with vintage Gillette Silver blade (3)
Professor Blighty's Universal Shaving Balsalm

Average shave. Blade struggles to get close enough for my liking. Binned.
Wednesday (back to work):

Zuri 1950s soap
Muhle R89/Weber Bulldog
Astra SP (2)
Professor Blighty's Green Ginger AS

Another smooth, comfortable cold water shave. BBS.
Yes, I would love that too, but he wasn't actually in the bathroom, my wife took the pic while I was shaving and he where playing, outside the bathroom

Pre: Hot shower
Brush: Custom two band by Chris, my Chris Craft
Razor: Curla, made by Kaiser Ellison silver steel
Superlather: Dr Harris Almon + Proraso cream
AS: Ogallala Limes and Peppercorns
Strops: Neil Miller
Result: Very, very clean

... and of course today's espresso shot:
todays Razor

Dove soap/hot face cloth prep
6/8 Brucke solingen
taylor's sandlewood cream
Kent BK2 Brush
Geo.F.Trumper Skin Food to finish

I think I am starting to develop a light weight straight razor fetish.... how long can I keep my hands off the plastic card? :dodgy:

white proraso pre post
Neo Custom 2 band
Proraso green soap
FT rocket + shark SS (3)
Thayers Superhazel
Proraso ASB

result: 3passes, smooth and comfortable The last of the proraso soap today, this was the first 'proper' soap I bought - must have had it over 2 years. That sounds very good value, until you consider the rest of the stuff I have bought during that time..
I have an old white tub of proraso waiting in the wings. I might buy some more proraso soap in another 2 years!!! :icon_razz:
After the usual 1-2 minute hot towel prep:

Marshall Fields rebranded Simpsons best
Klar Kabinett SS
Malizia Vetyver AS
Malizia Vetyver EdT

BBS results,

Ball end Tech
Israeli Personna
Dad's old Boar Brush
Finished with Bodyshop Arber aftershave balm.

Nice comfy "day off" shave!