SOTD : Saturday 5th June to Friday 11th June 2021.


Razor: ATT X1
Blade: Proline (7)
Brush: RazoRock 400
Soap: Extro Arancia Italiana
ASL: Signature Soaps Hibernia
ASB: Baxter of California

Arancia Italiana is probably the most beautiful orange scented soap I've smelt during my time wet shaving. The scent persists throughout the shave unlike some other Extro scents which tend to fade. This soap has the softest consistency of any of the Extro soaps I've used. Lather was excellent and ensured enough residual slickness for me to complete my shave on 2 passes with the incredible X1. I'm falling in love with this razor.

Followed with Signature Soaps Hibernia for that all-Citrus morning.
Hi Chris,
My thoughts with you, hope all goes as planned and your journeys are good. Am sure you will be glad for life to become more normal.
Sun 6th June

Stirling Syn. 26mm
Arko Stick- grated
ES Claymore V1 - Ikon handle
Kai CT Protouch MG [ 8 ]
Pitralon Original A/S Lotion.

The Claymore V1 is proving to be a rather good Daily Shaver, when fitted with this blade. A really relaxed Shave this morning with another excellent close finish. I doubt whether I have had such consistently good finishes from any other Razor/ Blade combo, with not the slightest hint of mishap. Rather a shame that it took me so long to discover the merits of this blade, but then I might not have had the fun of trying other Razors.

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Prep: Valobra Glycerlanolina soap, Myrsol Emulsion
Brush: Rooney Polo 2 Super Badger
Cream: Geo. F. Trumper Eucris
Razor: Merkur Mergress (2.5)
Blade: Vintage NOS Gillette Swede (5)
Post: Thayers Cucumber Witch Hazel, Myrsol Blue Aftershave Lotion
Scent:Geo. F. Trumper Eucris

Trumper Eucris is an epic scent, and perfect for cooler weather.
The vintage Gillette Swede is deceptively smooth for such a wickedly sharp blade.
An effortless three pass shave for a BBS result.
Love the razor stand

Pre - Unscented Soap
Soap - Vitos Red Coco
Brush - Omega/Goodfellas Wild Hog
Razor - Ball End Tech
Blade - Perma Sharp SS (9)
Post - Witch Hazel/Lea Balm
AS - Benjamins Bay Rum

A completely unremarkable shave today, so unremarkable I am struggling to remember I even had a shave, but I touched my face and I definitely did.

Have a good Sunday gents.
SOTD 06-June

Prep: Warm shower
Brush: PAA Switchback 400 26mm TGN Boar
Soap: Folk Soap
Razor: Friodur 472 6/8
Post: Cold Water and Barts Ben Nevis Lotion

Well first run out with the newly set boar and woah what a smell when wet. Nothing chemical about this one, pure animal. Absolutely nothing wrong with that of course but I won't miss it when it's gone. The added bonus, though it smelt like an animal it lathered like a beast. I also liked the scritchy feeling though I'm looking forward to seeing how it develops.

Hope everyone has a cracking day!


Prep: Shower with Baxter’s of California face scrub and PAA cube.

Pre: PAA cube

Soap: Hampshire wool fat shaving soap

Brush: Yaqi Sagrada Familia

Razor: Rockwell Model T

Blade: Astra SP

Post: Alum, Baxter’s of California Shave Tonic and Baxter’s aftershave balm.
For some reason I decided to push the Rockwell to all 3 passes on a 4 today. So in preparation I hit the scrub, cube and Hampshire soap to prepare my face for a harder shave! Boy did I need it and it wasn’t enough! Weepers, weepers everywhere but annoyingly no indication in the moment of the actual shave that I’m doing any damage to myself! It’s like a silent ninja in a bad martial arts movie, slice and dice and the victim doesn’t know their in pieces until they move and something falls off them! I exaggerate but you get the idea. Weirdly though still a very smooth shave, very close obviously and completely bbs with only a little redness. I’m going to try a Viking sword blade tomorrow and try and lower it back to 3 to tame the beast! I both love and hate the results so far and need to get to grips with the silent slasher! I’m pretty sure it’s me at the moment technique wise as this is a more aggressive razor than I’m used to.
Many thanks again @ATG.


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6 June

Extro Bergamotto di Calabria
Simpson M7 Manchurian
Rockwell 6S (R4)
Personna med prep
Bart’s Balm Amber and Moroccan Jasmine

The Extro soap created an enormous amount of lather, but I was not super close with the Rockwell this morning. Two passes gave a passable shave.
Good afternoon everyone

Soap - PAA Gondola
Brush - T&H Super Badger
Razor - Rockwell 6S (4)
Blade - Gillette Rubie #7
Post - EJ Limes and Pomegranate
Splash - TGS Abysso

I’ve not been posting a lot lately due to work commitments (or spending far too much time on the golf course) and I know you’d all miss my top notch studio like photography.
I really enjoyed this shave, a superb lather produced by the soap and brush, and a superb post shave resulted.
I hope you’re all safe and well.

