SOTD : Saturday 25th December-Friday 31st December 2021.

I have an ambiguous relationship with the Rockwell Model T. Sometimes it provides very disappointing shaves, characterised by nicks and discomfort as it can have a large blade gap, loads of blade feel and aggression. Than again, it can also provide perfect, trouble-free shaves. This was one of them.

I’d been watching Danish YouTuber Sig Solo’s channel (highly recommended) when he compared the original Model T which I have, with the new Model T 2. His comparison shave was conclusive, on setting three, with the same blade, the T2 was just as efficient but a lot smoother. An alum block showed plenty of irritation on the T1 side and none on the T2.

Given my experiences with the T1, I was not inclined to spend £100 on a T2, even if it was smoother. But I decided to give mine another outing.

While choosing the software, I decided on the Le Père Lucien which I have not used for ages. I then went for an orange theme inspired by the soap’s label, and selected my only orange brush and the only brand of blades I have, with a touch of orange. Well I was lucky.

This combination, with the razor on 2.5, with good prep and plenty of hot water, provided an efficient yet smooth, irritation free removal of three days stubble. What a treet indeed.

Razor: Rockwell Model T (2.5)
Blade: Treet Platinum (1)
Soap: Le Père Lucien Apricot
Brush: Stirling Butterscotch Badger
Pre-shave: Proraso Green
Post-shave: None needed
Bowl: Face lather

SOTD: 28/12/2021

Razor: Blackland Blackbird
Blade: Rapira Platinum Lux, 2nd use
Brush: Omega #625 silver tip badger
Bowl: Captains Choice Copper Lather Bowl Standard Bowl
Preshave: PAA Cube Unscented Soap
Soap: Taylor’s Of Old Bond Street Lime Zest Cream
Aftershave: TOBS No. 7 Lime Aftershave
Balm: Seaforth! Spice Lime Aftershave Toner Lotion
Additional Care: Osma Laboratoires Alum Block

For some reason I had a spurt of stubble growth this morning and the Blackbird knocked it back brilliantly. It’s the only razor I’ve tried where the aggressive blade feel ever seems likely to bit and it always stays just in the right side of sharp and close without nicking you. The lime cream unite thread re-emerging, made me reach for the TOBS Lime Zest and as my lathering technique has improved over my first year of wet shaving so to has my appreciation of this cream. It’s an absolute delightful fresh and zesty scent, and though lime is one of my favourite scents this is one of the few I’ve tried. Normally using soap made me make my usual mistake and over loading the brush but this actually helped me create the most volumous lather. The seaforth aftershave toner is lovely and with the TOBS No. 7 lime aftershave created a lime explosion to wake me up a feet this morning!

Enjoy your day guys!
Sotd 28/12

Pre shave: PAA cube
Soap: Macduffs tabaco trail
Splash: Macduffs tabaco trail
Balm: arko unscented
Alum bloc
Bowl: Giles shaving co
Brush: alpha outlaw
Razor: Rex Ambassador
Blade: permasharp 2nd use

Scent notes:Cured Tobacco Leaf, Lemon, Spiced Plum, Roasted Coffee, Butterscotch, Sandalwood, Cedarwood, Chocolate, Cognac, Vanilla
Went for a 3 pass shave today and hadn't used the Rex in a while the scent on the soap is really nice and also a nice scent and feel from the splash
1st pass setting 4
2nd pass setting 2
3rd pass setting 1

Pre = Homemade Oil
Razor = Vintage 1960’s Feather Travel
Blade = Diamond Edge ( 1 ) Indian
Brush = Yaqi Cavern Lake 24mm Badger
Soap = Wet The Face Himitsu
Splash = A&E Asian Plum
Balm = A&E Unscented Rice Water
Very good shave today
i have absolutely no idea why i picked what i did but it all went well.
A couple of months ago i shaved with the
Gold Vintage feather travel & today it was the silver.
Paired with the Diamond Edge it was a very good shave although not as good as the last time with the gold version,
i’ll need to look back at what blade i used.
One small weeper which pissed me off a bit but i guess playing with different combos can do that.
The Soap is Class and a little goes a very long way. I genuinely think that
Wet The Face Soaps are a bit underrated but i’ll certainly be getting more.
Overall a decent enough shave,
not a bbs but not far from it.
Stay Safe Lads
Onwards & Upwards
Today's SOTD comes to you with the sad theme 'In memory of my father-in-law James Kelly' who passed away yesterday.

Razor - Stainless Colonial General
Blade - Feather Professional
Brush - AP Shaving 24mm Cashmere
Soap - MDC Rose
Moisturiser - Simple
Scent - Chanel pour Monsieur EDP

A man with a very impoverished start to life in the Scotland Road area of Liverpool and even though he made for a better life he never forgot where he came from. And in his mind he never left.

A man with bad taste in music, but I forgive him. He more than likely thought the same about me. But here is one of his favourites Jimmy Shand who for the past 38 years I came to avoid the best I could. But it's not my day

But I will give it that this was one superb shave in memory of a lifetime wet shaver. Jimmy you'll be missed.

And since I had 38 years of Jimmy Shand you can have this from me.....Hope you are listening

Condolences, Chris. He's probably up there thinking - like many of us do - that he didn't have bad taste. He was just ahead of his time
RIP James

My condolences to you and your family.