SOTD : Saturday 21st August to Friday 27th August 2021

A bit behind here and a shave from Tuesday evening. However not to be deterred in a sea of 'I can't be bothered' (and much to your dismay) this one came along with the theme 'I can't be bothered'

- Yaqi Excalibur on the home made shit tank handle
- Kai Captain
- Alpha Wickhams Arctic Fox
- Signature Soaps Londinium

A classic take on Excalibur

A second on Loan razor to enter my shaving world this week and in this case a very kind Loan (I will nick it) from @mpf9ret , the Yaqi Excalibur.

This razor came to me with mixed feelings. 'Hate it', 'Love it', 'Dreadfully manufactured', 'Superb' among the opinions passed here on TSR. I didn't know what to expect, but I remain open minded on most things in life so open minded it was.

So there is the Vector and the General V2 among the 'Slim AC SE razors' and then there is this thing, which takes slim to a new level and to the point where it nearly becomes an AC blade on the end if a stick. A novel way of achieving its narrow profile by machining half of the securing post away then passing it through the slot in the blade. Not sure it is the brightest of methods but it somehow works. Wouldn't like to overdo it too much though.

Team lather. I often refer to such and such a soap being the top of the tree, or X brand being the best ever, etc, but fact is my most 'reach for Soap' is possibly the Londinium. It just does everything right with a lovely lime scent without over doing things. Super stuff. The brush is not among my favourites and find it overly stiff but it is in the cupboard and needs the occasional run out. Job done though.

Hit skin with steel and straight away this is quite polar opposite to the Feather I have been using most of this week. Aggressive while staying staying the right side of aggressive and with a nice secure feel. This is more my kettle of fish. Three passes to perfection and free of drama.

Altogether a wonderfully simple razor which just allows the blade to do the talking. I really like this Yaqi and would find it hard to fault. It may not be the height of engineering and after the Feather it is rather savage, but it does everything so well. Definitely on the list and now my 'must have' before the ESC Claymore which doesn't show any signs of appearing on the horizon. If the Claymore was a western movie it would be over in five minutes when the cavalry failed to turn out.
'Get that bastard he has the only Claymore SE on the planet '

A very happy shave then and the Yaqi has certainly left its mark on me. Fortunately not the mark of Zoro. A super piece of shaving equipment which is far better than it deserves to be.

And from the vaults of Japanese girly bands, TsuShiMaMire. My go to band of the moment


Prep: Shower with Bulldog’s oil sensitive soap.

Pre: PAA unscented cube.

Soap: Wickhams citrus musk.

Brush: PAA Phantom Aerolite Synthetic Shaving Brush.

Razor: Karve C plate.

Blade: Gillette Winner

Post: Alum and Wickham’s citrus musk aftershave balm.

Another lovely shave from the Karve, it’s just such a well made and solid razor that I’ve yet to have a poor shave from it! The weight and balance is amazing.
As for the soap this was my first Wickhams Soap I was gifted as a sample. I just need to hunt down a full tub as I’ve yet to find it!
Fri 27 SR SOTD
Soap Southern Witchcrafts SamHain 1st Use
Brush Spiffo 28mm Manchurian - Super soft feel!
Razor ZY430
Aftershaves Stirling Witchhazel Bergamot Lavender + Southern Witchcraft Samhain
1st use of this soap. The scent is consistent off the puck and while lathering. To my nose...more Pumpkinish with blended tobacco...ish. TBH, the scents are almost exactly what is written. The lather is very rich, super creamy, and nicely slick...enjoy this unique scented soap!
Very enjoyable SR session with this razor. Quite smooth and very comfortable in 3+passes for another sas result without issues. The matching aftershave is definitely stronger and lasted a while....nice!
SOTD 27-Aug

Prep: Warm shower
Brush: C&H 'Casanova' Fanchurian
Soap: Tabac
Razor: Blackland Blackbird
Blade: Gillette Minora (4)
Post: Cold Water and Tabac

Grand shave this morning, happy with the blackbird purchase. I thought the vertical grooves in the handle might make this a slippy one but no issues so far. Very easy and smooth finish.

Roll on the bank Holiday!

Hope everyone has a cracking day!

