SOTD sat 21 july through to fri 27th july.

RE: SOTD Sat 21/07/12 - Fri 27/07/12 ...

Dr D ^^ please move your post to the official thread...

I tried to delete again, but failed (don't know why).

Good morning friends.
As the book of Anne Geddes remains on the table, I thought about looking a picture to match my UFO Godzilla, chubby and soft, and I found that this fits well. The Calani Iberian Sun is great and the Coimbra Water, delicious.
Forza Alonso, Forza Ferrari!!!
Edwin Jagger black badger
Superlather: T+H hard soap with a dash of Grafton cream
Merkur 37 slant
Gillette 7 o'clock yellow
Penhaligon's Blenheim Bouquet cologne

Semogue SOC Boar
Feather Artist Club SS
Feather Pro blade (8)
Professor Blighty's harlequin AS

Relatively smooth. I seem to have traded nicks for weepers, I don't know if that counts as progress but I'm counting it. Easily staunched with a liberal application of alum.
Slight change of pace this week.

Gillette Slim Adjustable (set to 3) with 7 o'clock green
NF2221 mountain badger
The Real Shaving Co cream
C&E Sienna asb.

Not used to the Gillette in ages. I found set to a 3 quite aggressive (for me), more than my EJ DE87 and Merkur 34c. Couple of tiny nicks, but a smooth shave.
After the usual 1-2 minute hot towel prep:

vintage Marshall Fields rebranded Simpsons best
1958 Executive/Personna 74 (NOS)
CF lime SC
Lucky Tiger AS and Face Tonic

BBS results,


Proraso Pre/Post (Original formula)
Dorco 301(2)
Simpsons Tulip T1
Proraso Green Cream (new Formula)
Nivea Replenishing balm
Witch hazel

One of those shaves that just leaves your skin feeling completely undisturbed 5 mins after you have shaved. All set for the week.

Re: RE: SOTD sat 21 july through to fri 27th july.

MachM said:
Relatively smooth. I seem to have traded nicks for weepers, I don't know if that counts as progress but I'm counting it. Easily staunched with a liberal application of alum.

Definitely! Soon the weepers will be gone too :).

Got a text from a friend this morning: "weather's great, get the roadster out, see you in half an hour for a run to the Cat and Fiddle". Well, why not. No shave, no time :).
Dr Rick said:
MachM said:
Relatively smooth. I seem to have traded nicks for weepers, I don't know if that counts as progress but I'm counting it.

Definitely! Soon the weepers will be gone too :).

What's the scoop Doc,

So it's a progressive kinda thing? Less blood and gore as the new straight user figures out the technique is what it sounds like, which makes sense.

I guess that poster somehow made it past the earlier 'small boils' stage. Hah, that usually stops most people.

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