Shave of the Day. W/C Saturday 23rd October 2010

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English Superspeed
Treet Durasharp #3
Boots Shavebowl soap
WS Boar
Blue Stratos

Either the SS is a bit on the mild side for me or the blade was beyond good usage. A DFS but it took some effort.
BlacknTan said:
Wednesday, 10.27.10

Aura Glow Oil
Mitchell's Wool Fat
Semogue SOC BigBoar
Pumacker Black Diamond square point
Tony Miller Artisan Strop ... 40 Linen/70 Latigo
Dickinson's Witch Hazel
Nivea AS Balm
Mennen Skin Bracer

Pictured is my long departed Gordon, Robbie... I pounded alot of shoe leather with this dog. Not the best field dog ever, but certainly competent...He lives on in my heart!

RIP, Rob...


Know how you feel, lost one (Brewster) myself many years ago and still miss him.
Not the smartest Setters :) but quite special aren't they.
regards, beejay
Fido said:
Mikael said:
Wednesday morning
Pre: Hot shower
Razor: Frederick´s "The Old English Razor"
Brush: Scheerzeep silvertip in olive wood
Cream: Fitjar "Fjellheim"
AS: Dr Harris Sandalwood
Strop: Neil Miller
Result: Very, very clean :D

Great pic!
It is indeed, and it explains something which has been bugging me for a while now ...
beejay said:
BlacknTan said:
Wednesday, 10.27.10

Aura Glow Oil
Mitchell's Wool Fat
Semogue SOC BigBoar
Pumacker Black Diamond square point
Tony Miller Artisan Strop ... 40 Linen/70 Latigo
Dickinson's Witch Hazel
Nivea AS Balm
Mennen Skin Bracer

Pictured is my long departed Gordon, Robbie... I pounded alot of shoe leather with this dog. Not the best field dog ever, but certainly competent...He lives on in my heart!

RIP, Rob...

Know how you feel, lost one (Brewster) myself many years ago and still miss him.
Not the smartest Setters :) but quite special aren't they.
regards, beejay

I'm sorry for your loss, beejay...

All of my friends have been loved, for one quality or another...

I'm sure you feel the same!
Today was:

EJ Best Badger
Merkur 33C
Feather (on second outing)
Palmolive Cream
King of shaves Menthol Balm

Nice shave, almost zero irritation but i tried to copy Gentlemen's shop vid on my neck as his tips were great on my chin. Big mistake, super irritation!

Other then that, spot on!
Pre surgery shave:

Sainsburys multifit blade
Simpsons Duke 2
MB unscented
Thayers witchhazel

Evening shave for once so decided to go for a non scent shave, it was rubbish my irritated neck wasn't left long enough!
first ever rolls razor shave today.

Viscount rolls razor
Kent h8
Cade soap
Prof Blightly's Grapewood a/s

First pass was a little dodgy, the safety bar can move back and forth over the cutting edge, think I had got the hang of it by the second pass. The blade may need a little honing but I'll shave with it a least once more before trying to sharpen it. Two not so close passes, stopped for fear of irritation that never appeared.

It's a nice change from my other safety razors, it's a big hefty blade on a stick. Might take a bit of getting used to but I can see me really liking this. Really can't grumble at £4 all in.

Arsed the phone pic so moved some sliders until this happened, maybe it'll pass as arty

Ever Ready 1924 travel set, Nanny's Warm Spice cream, Simpsons Commodore X1, Razorock alum stick, Gillette Series Intense Cooling balm,
Cella cologne

Wednesday AM, MST

Razor: Gillette Super Adjustable Long Handle, 1978, set on 6
Blade: Astra Superior
Soap: P-160 Morbido (those crazy Italians are discontinuing this soap!!!) with a dash of Proraso cream for a lather boost
Brush: NF2211 (2nd shave with this brush, no shedders)

Thayers Medicated
Proraso Splash

Brush teeth, run fingers through hair. Onwards to the day! :geek:
Wednesday Evening


Bodger 404
C&E Nomad soap

Fat Boy
Red Personna
SunburyBoy's Bay Rum
RSC balm

New toy! Enjoyed my first use of the blade and the FB. I had to play around with the settings to get a close shave – I ended up around the 7 or 8… Really comfortable combo of blade and razor, though my neck isn't quite perfect. Again, I guess that's getting used to the 'new' razor.

The Usual Suspect™’s bay rum, however, was excellent. It gives you a little smack to remind you that you have shaved and that it's doing something. Great initial 'bay rum' scent/kick that settles down nicely and leaves your skin feeling pretty good. Genuinely impressed by it – even the aroma (though obviously faint) remains for a little while, which is good. No doubt he'll be flogging it on B/S/T, so get your money ready. :D

Apart from a few small patches on my neck, it was a DFS.

Have a great Thursday, folks!

Wednesday Night:

    • - Gillette Bleue Extra (NNS)
      - Mama Bear's Lilac & Lavender glycerin shave soap
      - Le Tuft Urban Hermit's Black and Blues Shave Set
        • (razor (EJ8_ head), brush, lather bowl & stand)[/list:u][/list:u]
          - Humphreys Lilac Witch Hazel
          - MICAlum stick (deodorant)
          - Booster Lilac ASL[/list:u][/list:u]

          I've been looking forward to this shave for a little while now.
          • ... and it has been worth the wait, no question.[/list:u]


            Some of you might remember the brush as the custom I bought from beejay. The rest are the matching set I commissioned from him; (what I've taken to calling Urban Hermit's Black & Blues shave set, by Le Tuft). As he only had enough of the acrylic leftover for the brush handle, the bowl and stand have been fashioned from black walnut, - in my opinion they don't look out of place all together. Rather, I think they complement each other quite well.

            As I hadn't any firm ideas for the bowl and stand, just some loose guidelines and a few scraps of possibilities, beejay made them and refused to tell me very much about them at all. Actually, he mentioned nothing about them until they were on the way to me,and even then he only mentioned they were made from black walnut. Well, he had discussed the goblet-like nature of the bowl, but again, in no real detail.

            Conversely we emailed back and forth a fair amount over the design for the razor handle, which is almost a perfect balance between some of the basics I outlined as possibilities, and beejay's skill and imagination While it looks slick and shiny, it has fantastic grip-ability, which is one of the main needs I expressed that it needed, due to my spasms and twinges and such. It was an utter delight on the maiden voyage...

            Cheers, and thanks again, big stylie beejay!

Feather Portable
Feather Blade
EJ Best Badger
Erasmic Cream
Nivea Sensitive asb

The Portable is a like a Tech after 8 pints of Stella. It looks meek and mild, but actually it's a bit of a vicious bastard. The most 'owie' shave that I have had for a looong time. Still feeling it over an hour later.
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