Shave of the Day. W/C Saturday 10th July 2010

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Red Personna (9)/Jewel (1)
Truefit & Hill super badger
BS original/Ingrams combination lather
Witch Hazel
BS razor relief!

Love the Body Shop and Ingrams 'superlather'.

I'd not used the T&H brush for weeks and had forgotten how luxuriously soft it feels. It fits into a travel tube so I think I'll take it on holiday in a couple of weeks (rather than the Ever Ready 'Badger-lon' travel brush I have which looks good (vintage buterscotch) but is predominantly nylon so doesn't perform so well). The only problem will be it's drying time.

I went for BBS because I had plenty of time this morning (possibly not the best choice thinking about it with a blade on it's 9th 3 pass shave!). Didn't feel any dragging to suggest the blade was blunt and it was cutting fine until the final water pass/buff/polish when it wasn't. Swapped the blade and finished the job.

Had some redness, probably from going over the same sensitive place too many times. Put some Body Shop razor relief on (from a sample). Never used it before but the redness calmed down about an hour later. (May well have calmed down on it's own of course.)
bean said:
Had some redness, probably from going over the same sensitive place too many times. Put some Body Shop razor relief on (from a sample). Never used it before but the redness calmed down about an hour later. (May well have calmed down on it's own of course.)

I find the BS Razor Relief to work well, its absorbed quickly, tends to calm my skin down if the shave's been a bit rough, doesn't leave any kind of greasy feeling and is pretty much unscented so doesn't clash with anything else you might want to wear.
Wednesday morning
Pre: Cold shower
Razor: Joh. Engström 6/8
Brush: "Henk" 20 mm silvertip w olive wood handle
Cream: Syril Slater Indian Sandalwood
Post: Proraso
AS: Dr Harris Sandalwood
Strop: Neil Miller linnen/buffallo 30/50
Result: Very clean face :D

This razor is so good and Neil has put a wonderfull edge to it. 2 1/2 passes and very clean indeed. PS the flowers seems to be arranged, but they´re not. I´ve to move them from the window every day, to be able to take the pictures and today it worked out rather nicely :D
Hot towel,
Ever ready 12a/MWF
1904 handle & Gillette travel kit head :? :? /Personna red
Nivea replenishing ASB

The razore is made up from 2 travel kits off ebay which i thought Id try a mix and match.
It worked as well my little feather portable which I dont use often enough. The 1904 handle is lovley and is a joy to use.
Something different and a rather nice shave. :)
regards, beejay

Futur (1.5)
Thai Superthin (3)
Neo Finest 2-Band
SWK Scuttle
Monsavon soap
Witch Hazel
OS Fresh Lime AS.
Wednesday, 07-14-10.

Soap from Aleppo - Omega 11126 boar brush - Merkur Slant - Astra #2 - Pre Proraso - De Vergulde Hand shaving soap bowl - Alum block - Toner Thayers Original - ASB Weleda + ASL Aqua Velva.

Slow Shaving said:
Wednesday, 07-14-10.

Soap from Aleppo - Omega 11126 boar brush - Merkur Slant - Astra #2 - Pre Proraso - De Vergulde Hand shaving soap bowl - Alum block - Toner Thayers Original - ASB Weleda + ASL Aqua Velva.


Looked at that picture and thought i was on an acid trip !!
sunburyboy93 said:
Slow Shaving said:
Wednesday, 07-14-10.

Soap from Aleppo - Omega 11126 boar brush - Merkur Slant - Astra #2 - Pre Proraso - De Vergulde Hand shaving soap bowl - Alum block - Toner Thayers Original - ASB Weleda + ASL Aqua Velva.

Looked at that picture and thought i was on an acid trip !!
My friend, be careful with the acid overdoses... You have lost your badger, haven't you? :mrgreen: ;)

Gillette Nacet Platinum (1)
Omega #49 Pro
T&H Trafalgar Cream
Thayers (with menthol)
One Planet ASB
Old Spice (P&G)

What a lovely shave, the trafalgar was really slick and the GNP glided through the stuble, beautiful.


  • - Simple Cleanser followed by Thayers' Lavender witch hazel
    - EJ DE89L slotted up with Gillettte 7 O'clock Super Stainless (Russian Green)
    - EJ Sandalwood cream with beejay's Cobalt Blue Super Badger custom
    - My Mightyl Menthol Alumwater spritz
    - Thayers' Lavender with hazel
    - Boots' Freshwood ASB[/list:u]
Wednesday Evening

L'Oreal face wash in the shower
New Forest Superior 2201
Palmolive Lemon cream
Gillette Superspeed
Derby (1)
Osma Alum (needs must....)
Nivea ASB

Rushed shave tonight before work, with the result that some claret appeared on my neck :eek: hence the alum which quickly sorted it. Nice fresh zest from the Palmolive lemon though, and a new Derby gave a really close shave and the ASB absorbed straight in. Will do the same tomorrow but try and leave a bit more time.......
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