S.O.T.D. Saturday 6th February to Friday 12th February 2016

Maca Root shave cream
RR Barber Plissoft
Schick G500
Schick NOS [2]
Old Spice AS
Superdrug Moisturiser
Just a quick touch up tonight, 1 pass with another mini pass where needed.
Job done in record time...
Shavemac Silvertip 2B 24 × 53
Edwin Jagger Sandalwood
Guillette Sensor 3
BullDog Balm

Very good soap
Have a great day

Today's Shave
Muhle R89 Twist
Feather Blade
Nanny's lemon shaving soap
Kent BK8 Brush
Blue Stratos aftershave splash

I'm smitten by this razor, stick a feather blade it, increase angle, perfect shave, this razor just don't like wilkinson sword blades, that's the best shave I've ever had with a modern razor to date. So I've ordered a R89 Grande just to compare it to, would be rude not to. :D


Thursday 11th February.


Scuttle: Steve Woodhead Ceramics, large Suribachi.
Soap: NSS Moroccan Sands.
Brush: Razorock 24mm Plissoft.
Razor: 1940's Gillette English Service Set Tech head, Windrose handle.
Blade: Astra SP (1).
Post: Boots tea tree & witch hazel lotion, Nivea Cool Kick balm, Nivea Crème.
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Shave & Scent of the day with:
Soap: Phoenix Artisan Accoutrements Dirty Cupcake
Brush: L'Occitane Plisson Synthetic
Razor: ATT Atlas R1
Blade: Voskhod (3)
Post #1: Dermalogica Post-Shave Balm
Post #2: Malin+Goetz Vitamin E Face Moisturizer
Scent: Chergui by Serge Lutens

All I ever want in a shave!
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