S.O.T.D. Saturday 6th February to Friday 12th February 2016

friday 12/02/16: hot shower/PILS 101NE/feather (2)/kent blk8/tobs lime/hot&cold rinse/nivea asb/creed git

anything less than a feather in this razor doesn't cut it
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Not bad at all. What lighting are you using, a flash? I find natural lighting gives a more... well natural... look and fewer shadows. I'd say a touch overexposed and some weird lighting effect above the soap tub - northern lights?
Keep it up.

The light in my bathroom is terrible. For some reason my camera, which can usually "auto WB" most situations accurately, really struggles in there. I think it's a combination of an odd bulb, reflected light from all the white tiles and natural light from the window that really throws it. They're only snapshots so I CBA taking a "control" shot of white paper first, and I keep meaning to change the bulb to a daylight one but haven't got around to it yet. But I must.
[/b]12th February 2016]/b]

Bulldog Face Wash
Wickham's Club Cola
Macy No.4 w/ Muhle Silvertip Fibre
Face Lathered
Landaw & Wilkinson II (9)
Single Pass - WTG (Slide)


Hot Rinse, Cold Rinse & Alum Wash
Witch Hazel Toner
Pinaud Clubman Vanilla
Puig Quorum EDT
Pinaud Eau de Quinine Hair Tonic​
IMG_0324.jpg Fri 12th Feb
Stirling Synthetic
OSP Bay Rum
Gem S/S [5]
Alum Rub / Aqua Velva

Must be back in the swing with SE razors , as had a really smooth & easy shave with the OCMM especially after the 1924.
Maybe squeeze one more shave out of blade
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The light in my bathroom is terrible. For some reason my camera, which can usually "auto WB" most situations accurately, really struggles in there. I think it's a combination of an odd bulb, reflected light from all the white tiles and natural light from the window that really throws it. They're only snapshots so I CBA taking a "control" shot of white paper first, and I keep meaning to change the bulb to a daylight one but haven't got around to it yet. But I must.
I reckon most people never change from auto-WB on their camera and this leads to some weird colours for indoor (and outdoor) shots. Are there other WB settings you can use without having to resort to manual-WB with a white card which is a bit of a faff? I've tried changing the WB to "cloudy", "tungsten", "incandescent" and quite often fixes it quickly. It's one of those settings that is quite often available on cameras but is rarely used.
I reckon most people never change from auto-WB on their camera and this leads to some weird colours for indoor (and outdoor) shots. Are there other WB settings you can use without having to resort to manual-WB with a white card which is a bit of a faff? I've tried changing the WB to "cloudy", "tungsten", "incandescent" and quite often fixes it quickly. It's one of those settings that is quite often available on cameras but is rarely used.

I don't think any of the preset WB modes would be any better to be honest. There's just too much of a mix of different light temperatures. I'll get a daylight bulb this weekend and get rid of the jaundiced bulb that's currently in there. That should make a difference.
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