S.O.T.D. Saturday 6th February to Friday 12th February 2016

Friday AM 02-12-2016

Georgetown Pottery G12 scuttle
Shavemac 177 LE 2-Band Silvertip (24mm/52mm)
Ralph Lauren Safari shaving soap (tallow)
Feather AS-D2/'Stealth' Feather handle
Gillette Platinum 'Swede' (3)
Ralph Lauren Safari aftershave (vintage)
Pre: Bluebeards Revenge Pre Shave Oil
Razor: Merkur Progress
Blade: Astra SP(2)
Brush: Semogue 610
Soap: Shaver Heaven Barbershop
Post: Nivea Men Sensitive Balm
A/S: Fine American Blend
3 pass BBS! A great performance from Shaver Heaven soap. Paired beautifully with the Fine American Blend.

Friday, 12 February 2016:

Razor: Above The Tie M1
Blade: Personna Red
Brush: Zenith Aluminum Handle, Boar B2
Soap: Dr. Selby
A/S: Barrister & Mann Cologne Russe

Prep: Hot shower
Pre: Proraso - Sandalwood
Soap: Tabac
Bowl: Estremoz Scuttle
Brush: Omega boar 10005
Razor: Merkur 45c Bakelite
Blade: Rapira Lux (2)
After: WH, Tabac AS, Tabac ASB

Had to break out of the Stirling SAW because it's Tabac Friday, yay!

Funny how the Rapira Lux sucks in this razor but was fab in the ATT. It's a pity the Tabac stink don't last all weekend.

Have a good one, folks.

View attachment 16663 My first attempt at posting a SOTD with my Edwin Jagger Laser Diamond. The lighting could be better but something to work on.

Not bad at all. What lighting are you using, a flash? I find natural lighting gives a more... well natural... look and fewer shadows. I'd say a touch overexposed and some weird lighting effect above the soap tub - northern lights?
Keep it up.
Prep: Hot shower
Pre: Proraso - Sandalwood
Soap: Tabac
Bowl: Estremoz Scuttle
Brush: Omega boar 10005
Razor: Merkur 45c Bakelite
Blade: Rapira Lux (2)
After: WH, Tabac AS, Tabac ASB

Had to break out of the Stirling SAW because it's Tabac Friday, yay!

Funny how the Rapira Lux sucks in this razor but was fab in the ATT. It's a pity the Tabac stink don't last all weekend.

Have a good one, folks.

Loving this photo, how did you manage to get that depth of field?
Thanks. You are right, spots in the bathroom giving shadows and a torch to overcome the shadows, which instead make it worse. Roll on spring and a bit of natural sunlight.
Prep - Woods Of Windsor Cedar Woods soap / Pre-lather / 3 min steam
Razor - Gillette Slim Adjustable
Blade - Rapira Swedish Supersteel (#3)
Brush - Omega 20106
Cream - XPec Unscented
After - Frozen towel / Alum & WH Mix
Result - BBS++

I really don't know what to say about Xpec other than it's insane just how slippery this substance is! I was actually reserving judgement on these blades but this cream really enhanced the glide and cut of the razor.
It's my second anniversary of going traditional tomorrow, the 13th, so I wanted to treat myself to something high-end. I thought it quite expensive but not now, not when you see just how little you have to use.
I started with a quarter of a teaspoon and all the water shaken out of the brush. Into the bowl and periodically added drops of water. It doesn't seem to bloom and then suddenly it just comes alive. I actually had twice the amount of lather I needed.
That taken into account makes this one of the cheapest creams on the market!
gillette super adjustable (5)
perma sharp
asylum scanlon synthetic
caties bubbles santal sensuelle
boots no7 post shave balm
trumpers spanish leather cologne

first run out with a gillette adjustable, and was very surprised with how aggressive a 5 setting was :) fully expected a mild shave, liked it though.
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