What grinds your gears?

When they start asking me personal ''security'' questions I turn it back on them. That gets rid of em sharpish.
Must confess if it's a sexy sounding woman I have at times asked questions about their underwear.
Tends to get rid of em sharpish as well.
Gents considering getting the snip might want to read this first

We considered it but in the end SWMBO said no ! After speaking to a few work colleagues in the nursing profession. A few reported problems their partners had and people they knew of. Obviously as with all things in most cases every thing is fine.

Instead she had the coil fitted, which suits her as no monthly visitors, which I quite like too. That said earlier this year it was replaced, that's another story involving scans, and a lot of poking about due to the doctor who fitted it cutting the strings too short. Poor SWMBO !!!
People who don't put any salad in their sandwiches, esp Subway customers who only ask for "a bit of lettuce and sweetcorn". I can't stand sandwiches with no crunchy veg in, go on - its free in Subway so knock yourself out!
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