Shave of the Day, w/c Saturday 27th February 2010

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Monday Night

'Gold' Weishi + Iridium Super
Vulfix Pure
Trumper's Lime skinfood

Typical: just when you're about to discard a razor, it goes and does the job perfectly.

Bought the Weishi TTO from Connaught on a whim before last Christmas, and having used it about 3 times prior to last night I'd pretty much made up my mind that it was too mild for me -- not enough muscle. Perhaps I'd been using an 'incompatible' blade all along (Feather), because the Iridium was perfect.

And the Tabac...what a first-class lather that stuff knocks out. As if you didn't already know.

In an effort to use up some Skinfood (bought it last October and it's still half full), I slathered it liberally about my chops before each pass. Don't know if it had much of an impact: would be difficult to gauge when using Tabac, in any case.
7 o'clock yellow (4)
Boots soap
Vulfix 2235 super
Boots Freshwood asb
Givenchy Envy EDT

I reckon 3 shaves is enough with this blade, for me at least. That said the shave was still goodish and smoothish.

Merkur 1904 OC
Treet Classic (1)
Vulfix 404 Bodger
Superdrug Pre-Shave splash
Alum Block
Wilkos Ab
Pinaud Clubman AS

First try with a Treet Classic, although a little rough it was sharp and I got A DFS+ with just a little irritation on the right side of my chin :eek: , a dose of Clubman soon sorted that out ( I love the smell of this stuff).

Have a nice and pleasant day Gents


Ever Ready
Ted Pella
Koh-I-Noor SC68
Prairie Creations w/ extract of sheep
Aqua Velva w/444 ASB
Prairie Creations GASB
Semogue 830 shaving brush /"Gilere" Tech with Elios #2/Kells Original shavestick Ultra Alove blend Almond/Clinique Cream

I must say that the 830 is the best boar brush that I have tried(besides the 09 LE)

Simpson's Best Badger Special
Trumper's Sandalwood Soap
Alum block
D.R. Harris Pink a/s

Same as yesterday, but with addition of the alum.

Very nice.

Mühle R89
Derby (1)
Trumpers Coconut cream
Trumpers Super Badger travel brush

Not keen on that blade. I'd heard about dodgy blades nicking people, this one didn't nick me, it struggled to cut my beard. Comfortable, yet not a great shave.
Monday night

Derby x 3
Omega 49
Valobra Menthol soap
Boots Freshwood a\s

not keen on these blades but it could be this first one, they seem to move\bend in the razor :? yes it was tightened down properly :roll:
the Valobra soap works well but the menthol is very subtle

1955 British Gillette Flair Tip Rocket
Vietnamese Gillette Super Thin Platinum (1)
Vulfix 404 mix
Wilkinson Stick
Tabac AS

Remarkably similar shave to the Thai super thin, packaging is different (the printing on the blade envelopes is 3-colour rather than 2-colour on the Thai, but the Thai ones look better executed - more cleanly printed, also the the shape of the envelope when flattened out is slightly different too... - Thai one advertises Vector on the inside, Vietnamese advertises Vector Plus)
Red Personna (1)
Palmolive Cream
Alum Block
Proraso Post Shave

1st try with red Personna was nice, BBS with a few sore areas! Not sure of the Alum Block as it left skin feeling too tight for quite some time after! THe Proraso didnt seem to do much tbh, felt good though!!
Fido said:

TOBS Mr Taylor is such a great cream - no idea what the scent is - but I love it. If you go for a Rooney, look no further than the style 3 small silvertip.


Fido, The scent is called "Mr Taylor", the aftershave balm (more of a gel) is pretty good too but I find I have to over apply to get best results.

Mr Taylor comes in a cologne too however (and I found this out to loss of my pocket) I dont think the scent from the cologne matches that of the balm or, more importantly, the cream.
Right well to start off it is a soapy smell but not in a horrid putrid soap way. Its a very "classic" non-musky sort of fragrance. To me it has a little of a Gin about it and a smell of aloe vera about it. It also has a slight freshness to it as well which I find is missing in the cologne.

To me, the cologne smells classic but also smells like an untouched, dried out, cake of cheap soap.

The cologne greatly let me down.

Im sorry its pretty vague but there is no other scent/product out there that I can use as a reference point.

FWIW I've always thought of the scent of this cream as being "quintessentially" British.

'68 Black-handled Superspeed
Feather blade
Kent BK4
Body Shop Maca Root cream
Alum Block
L'Oreal Men Expert 24hr Hydrating AS Balm
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