Let's See Your Pet

Here's our two cats, one's a serial killer (yesterday he came in with two mice within an hour) and one's bunkers.






Here's my elderly Wirehaired Fox Terrier taking a nap with my beanie hat on, he's comming up to 15 years old he's a cranky old Fucker typical Terrier loves to dig fight and cause gernral mayhem. but I love the character of Terriers such attitude.


my two house bunnys - yes they do live in my front room - actually pretty good indoor pets - they have destroyed some stuff and ive ended up off work sick due to injurys trying to get them out of where they should not be but at least they litter train themselves

bubble is the lop, squeak is the normal bunny





I don't like to brag, but maybe this thread might be the time to do a little poofstering, or whatever the hell you Limeys (and other foreigners) call it. Heres a pic of my now deceased pet named Fluffer. He was a result of some creative mixed breeding program that went kinda haywire.

I chose this picture because a slightly out of focus shot is probably the best way to view the results, just in case Sharon looks at this post. Don't wanna give her bad dreams.



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Meet Madison our Chihuahua


Maverick, one of our Maine Coons


and Mavis, our other Maine Coon.


Yes, really... Madison, Maverick, & Mavis (not my idea !)
This is my little fella - Archie a two year old Jack Russell who is mad as a hatter! Great with the kids, very cuddly inside the house and a complete hyper active mad man outside. Took him for a 1 1/2 hour run in the woods today - not the slightest bit tired at the end of it.

Thats him I mean not me!

samuelellis said:
actually pretty good indoor pets - they have destroyed some stuff and ive ended up off work sick due to injurys trying to get them out of where they should not be

PMSL what would you describe as a 'bad' indoor pet :icon_lol:
Well...photos to follow once I've made them abit nicer,we have a rescue cat,who's quite an old girl but lovely,2 axolotls, 2 bearded dragons (one German giant and one stunted rescue one), 4 giant African land snails,and 3 fish tanks with bristle nose plecs, our own bred betas and dwarf puffers!bit of a full flat!
Starting with Mimi, Another rescue cat, she came from the Cats Protection people. Crap mouser, gets scared by leaves blown by the wind. She is very skilled at sleeping on my feet.


Then we have Buffy, aka the Bufster, a Western Hognose. Key skills include sleeping and trying to escape, Buffy is getting on a bit now and fully grown at two foot or so.


And lastly; My mate Spot, a Royal Python. Spot is a rescue snake. He came to me via a friend of a friend who couldn't look after him any more. Spot enjoys eating, sleeping and sitting under heat lamps. Spot is a big lad at just over four foot.

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