Executive Shaving - Braveheart SS

Ordered mine on Friday morning (second class) and it arrived Monday. Clearly ES didn't waste any time getting it in the post. Mine also arrived with the ES balm which I've yet to try (I have so many!) but thank you Brian – it is very generous and I will try it and report back.

The Braveheart head is chromed to a similar standard as a Merkur or Muehle head. I can see some flashing at a joint line, but for £15 (-10% for the TSR discount) this is VERY good value for money. Cheaper than a EJ head. I loaded a blade and was initially worried about the blade gap and exposure, it looks exposed. It was sold as less aggressive than a R41 or an iKon Standard but still looked pretty aggressive to me.

This morning I had a shave in honour of ES (all equipment bought from ES): Castle Forbes Lavender SC; Simpsons Colonel; Spieck ASL.

What a brilliant shave! Nowhere near as touchy as an iKon standard or as scary as a R41, but a touch more aggressive than a iKon open comb and a notable step up from a R89. It was spot on for me, and I think that ES have called it spot-on in their description. I had a 3 pass shave: WTG & 2x XTG and will try a ATG tomorrow. No cuts or weepers but I wouldn't use this half asleep!

All in all I'm very pleased with the Braveheart head, congratulations to Brian and the team – nice job. And if ES wanted to create a special stainless steel version for about £50 I would be first in the queue (hint hint) :icon_wink:

My Braveheart head arrived this morning, but unfortunately unlike you lucky folk no free balm for me, looking forward to giving it it's first run out tonight though, looks well made and a nice weight.
Well I have ordered the head and it should arrive today or tomorrow, so something to look forward to as it would seem my Standard Razor will not be arriving any time soon.

Had to pick up a couple of other things, so seemed rude not to as I've got a couple of headless handles!

All the best,

You do know there's a competition on to win one?

Well isn't this a turn up for the books! I'm glad most of you like the Braveheart razor… it was me that originally turned the handle in Stainless Steel so I can guarantee that it is 303 grade because I bought the stock from EBay in 500mm lengths.

Regards Mervyn
mervyncadman said:
Well isn't this a turn up for the books! I'm glad most of you like the Braveheart razor… it was me that originally turned the handle in Stainless Steel so I can guarantee that it is 303 grade because I bought the stock from EBay in 500mm lengths.

Regards Mervyn

Well that's thrown the cat amongst the pigeons regarding the competition referred to above.
StephenShave said:
UKRob said:
Well that's thrown the cat amongst the pigeons regarding the competition referred to above.

mmm... Are you saying that Essex isn't actually in Scotland?? LOL

Didn't mean to put any dampers on the competition guys... that's not my intentions I am just stating that I originally made the handle for ES he now has these produced in Scotland.

Rob as far as I know it's not...LOL

The more I look at it, the more I like it and I'm sorely tempted but buying another razor when trying to grow a beard kinda seems like driving a Chelsea tractor to the park for a jog. Mind you, I do like a nice, super antioxidant rich white tea with my morning smoke. And on that note.....
Well mine (paid for by me) arrived here yesterday. The first modern DE razor I've invested in. Pleasantly surprised by the aggression and smoothness. Love the weight of the handle too... Can see some head-swapping going on in due course, I think it'll be close to perfect with a Gillette New head but we shall see...
Got a Braveheart head this week and teamed it up with my Maggard MR3 handle. It's a a pretty aggressive shaver, with a large blade gap, probably the largest on any of my non - adjustable razors. Shaved with it for the first time last night and it it certainly requires a little concentration, but I got great results and it feels excellent with the chunky handle. Ignoring postage etc this combo cost about £25 which I think is pretty damn good value.


All the best,

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