What are you reading at the moment?

Arrowhead said:
Mervyn Peake will have to wait a little longer.

I find that when rereading the trilogy I often separate out the books with other stuff - uncharacteristically for my reading. I think it's to give my subconscious time to unpack the layers of allusion and poetry. They're so great.
I'm mounting an assault on David Brin's Uplift books. I was 2/3 of the way through Sundiver before realising I'd read it before - I was wondering why it all seemed so familiar!
Kindle: Tinker, Tailor - Le Carre

Actual book: No Mean City - A. McArthur / H. Kingsley Long (for about the twentieth time)
Mervyn has missed out again, to yet another book which has found its way here having been discarded by the library service. Peter Robinson: "All the Colours of Darkness". I'm not convinced yet, for all the enthusiastic puff on the dustcover from Marcel Berlins and Ian Rankin.
The First Forty Nine Stories - Ernest Hemingway. I read Hemingway's autobiography and have collected most of his books which I am slowly working my way through. The collection of short stories I've been reading with the cricket on these past few days was published in 1939. Typical Hemingway tales against a background of big game hunting, deep water fishing and bullfighting and the great outdoors as well as city life.
Roger Deakin- Wildwood, a journey through trees.

Looking at trees, use of wood and its symbolism in cultures and art.

I have Deakins Waterlog to read next but not sure whether to have a break into another genre prior to reading that or to keep the flow going.
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