What are you reading at the moment?

Just finished Neal Stephenson's Reamde, midway through the third Reacher, and looking forward to starting on the brand-new Richard Morgan.
Arrowhead said:
Picked up "Stalingrad" to check a fact. Now halfway through it again, and looking for a nice ushanka for the winter.

Beevor's "Stalingrad"? A fantastic read, as is his sequel "Berlin". Hardly hilarious romps across eastern Europe, but necessary reading for any WW2 "fan".

At the moment I'm Kindling "The War Of The Worlds" by H.G. Wells, and shocked at its brutality.
cheese_dave said:
Beevor's "Stalingrad"? A fantastic read, as is his sequel "Berlin". Hardly hilarious romps across eastern Europe, but necessary reading for any WW2 "fan".

Yep. Military history is definitely not my thing, but the two Beevor books are utterly compelling ... it's a safe bet that I'll pick up "Berlin, the Downfall" as soon as I've finished this one.

Dr Rick: That would be the same Neal Stephenson who wrote "Cryptonomicon" I suppose. How was "Reamde"?
Re: RE: What are you reading at the moment?

Arrowhead said:
Dr Rick: That would be the same Neal Stephenson who wrote "Cryptonomicon" I suppose. How was "Reamde"?

It is indeed. Bear in mind that I'm a fan, but I really liked this. More of a thriller-with-ideas than his last few, which have been more idea-heavy (especially the magnificent Anathem), and even more so than Cryptonomicon - most akin to Cobweb and Interface, which he co-wrote under a different name.

As I say, I AM a total fanboy, so my opinion may or may not be helpful to you.
I'm reading Beer is Proof That God Love Us: Reaching for the Soul of Beer and Brewing.

I've actually read a couple of paper books! One was The Sterling Years: Small Arms and the Men. We had a business that was once associated with The Sterling Armament Company Ltd.
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