SOTD w/c Sat 21st - Fri 27th Jan. incl.

Here's my contribution

This is pretty much my set up on a daily basis with occasional variations in cream and aftershave

Cream: TOBS Rose
Brush: Custom made by moi but based on a TOBS handle and a Silvertip knot from golden point
Razor: Merkur Futur
Blade: Feathers
Balm: Geo F Trumpers Rose Skin food
Moisturiser: Mystery ... currently testing a product for an anonymous manufacturer - pretty good though
Aftershave: Jersey Lavender Farm Cologne for Men
Pre- Hot water rinse, pat dry, alt innsbruck pre and after shave emulsion.

Soap- Tabac

Razor- Merkur 42 with Merkur blade (4) 3 pass shave wtg, xtg and atg.

Post- Alt Innsbruck pre-post shave emulsion and Tabac after shave lotion.

Result- Very smooth, BBS almost all other. ATG for first time ever without soreness, redness and looking like I've skidded down a gravel path on my face!
Yesterevening - in a hurry.

Shower, St james mandarin oil

Arko w. horsehair - not the best lathering combo in a hurry. First go with Arko, found it difficult to build a thick lather, but what I did build was amazingly slick. And I'm one who enjoys the scent.

Threw an Astra platinum into a Merkur 3-piece head, on an old Tech handle, two passes in a hurry, snicked my chin on the second pass for being a bit impatient (that'll teach me), then Alum, Paco Rabanne AS and a bit of Nivea for men intensive care (plus some loo paper for the bleeder) before...

Black Tie Burns Night at the Oxford & Cambridge Club, Pall Mall.
All the best Ian, hope you get well soon. I had chicken pox as an adult and its not nice....
Welcome Diego, nice photo.

This morning:

EJ Badger
St James Clarysage and Cedarwood
Ogallala Bay Rum Sage and Cedar Splash
Ogallala Bay Rum Cologne

A dreamy 6am shave :sleepy:
Second try with the Merkur/Shark/MWF combination
Better lather and none of the juddering I spoke about last time. Still not as smooth as I'd like around the neck and the jawline is a bit patchy, but I had to stop myself going over it again and again - don't want razor burn!

Finished off with a wipe over with the alum block; not for the cuts, but the feeling it gives!
Must get some witch hazel.......
RE: SOTD w/c Sat 21st - Fri 27th Jan. incl.
SOTD 25.1.12

gillette ss
astra sp blade (new)
wilkinson brush
palmolive stick
nivea Q10 balm
T&H Grafton Cologne

SOTD 26.1.12
gillette superthin
BK8 brush
Nannys Sandalwood
Nivea Q10
T&H Grafton Cologne

Getting to enjoy trying out some different combinations now a year into using a DE.
Definately been a year of learning for sure tried out some great performing products and some have surprised me indeed. Now am i brave enough to try something a bit more aggressive time will tell.
This week is still a Dodgy Adjustable week.
Prep Hot Shower, Nanny's Lavender Bath Soap
'71 Super Adjustable 1 pass on 6, 1 pass on 4
Polsilver (4) now in bin
Le Tuft Resyke
Proraso Sul Filo Del Rasoio
After all the talk about MdC this week I thought I would dig it out again, after using DRH Lavender for the last 10 days or so and still finding the Mdc a bit meh. Think this may be on BST soon.....:s:s