SOTD: Saturday April 15 - Friday 21 April 2023.

Ah man, that sucks.

To make things better Uncle Donnie gives you permission to find a Brazilian barber and buy a shitload of blades.
Pre - Pears Transparent Original
Brush - Vintage Butterscotch Culmak Plus Pure Bristle 1950
Soap - Vintage GIBBS 1950's
Razor - Gillette Slim Adjustable H3 "Travel"
Blade - Vintage Perma-sharp Supreme
Post - Cold water Rinse
Balm - Tonyschin's Cedarwood Balm & Argan Oil
A/S - Mäurer & Wirtz 4711 EDC

A very nice shave today, 3 passes starting on #4 then moving to 3&3 for a super comfortable BBS finish.
I was struggling to get the last of the soap out of this ancient tube, i decided to just go for it and empty the tube.

I have split it into 5 and wrapped it in greaseproof paper, the writing is now on the wall for this tube of vintage cream.
Using an almond size piece it worked well enough today.

Not bad for a cream older than me.

Started off in the bowl and worked on the chin giving enough for 3 wonderful passes today.

Happy Birthday Graeme @Gairdner and Arthur @Electrif , enjoy your day fellas whatever you have planned.
Everyone else - Stay safe and enjoy your day also.

Wed 19 Blade Challenge #3
Soap & Aftershave Yaqi Lemon Lime Cedarwood
Brush Yaqi 24mm Cavern Lake 2 Band Badger
Razor Gillette Slim N4
Blade #1 Polsilver Vintage Stainless 3rd
Blade #2 Gillette Vintage Stainless 2nd
The soap, excellent brush, and splash combination were very good...& cold!
The razor at max 9 setting and with the Polsilver on the right and Gillette on the left provided a marvelously crisp, smooth, and efficient shave. 3passes for a bbs finish. The Polsilver feels a tad smoother but the Gillette is a tad more efficient....barely perceptible...
Happy birthday, have a great day/night

Happy birthday
Wednesday 109 April (see, typing left handed )
Here’s the reason why, as explained yesterday

Brush is re-knotted bristle into silver travel brush dating to 1833, according to hallmarks. Which at 190 years makes it only very slightly older than me
The knot is a 16mm fine bristle which I got from a US supplier, The Golden Nib. Thanks to @TobyC
Soap is a sample puck and I love it’s scent, nice and easy to apply. Might have to sell my left hand to afford a full pot though
Blade is an Astra Superior Platinum, second use.
BBS finish after two passes and minor pick ups, no irritation or weepers.
Morning joy!!
Have a great evening fellas!