SOTD: Saturday 29 October - Friday 4 November 2022.

Yesterday I had the same issue with this soap, constant burning sensation throughout the shave. Scent is excellent and I need to give it a few more shots before passing it forward.

Yesterday I had the same issue with this soap, constant burning sensation throughout the shave. Scent is excellent and I need to give it a few more shots before passing it forward.

A&E Soaps - Great smelling face melters
Welcome back my friends to the shaves which never end................................unfortunately. And by very unpopular demand (in fact none at all) this one starts wit the theme, 'Clocks' (I might have used this one before, but sod it anyway as Ms Cunk can always have my time)

This shave arrives one hour late after the debacle of having to set a Casio G-Shock due to clocks being retarded one hour this morning at 0200 hrs, which then became 0100 and really confused the fuck out of me when the pilot asked for the tugs to be there for an 0239 arrival. Which 0239? So I arrived at 0100 (old time) and would either run on a 'Just in Time Concept', or a 'Sorry I'm late again concept'. By the time I'd reset the Casio it was 0300 anyway, so we agreed to accept the second concept.

BST (nothing to do with selling razors or soap) - Occam's Enoch
UTC (not a medical term for a bladder infection) - Feather Super Professional
GMT (which runs between ladies legs apparently) - The Groom Room - Hive-2
ZULU time (baffled because it doesn't relate to anywhere in Africa) - Penhaligon's Bayolea
SOTD (A term shared with baby's bottoms and dolphins) - Hermes d'Orange Verte
'I am truly sick of this man, I am, I am.'

The reason this shave is a late entry to this new week of SOTD's is quite simply, because, I didn't shave yesterday, due to spending too long adjusting clocks and hassling over what time I was actually living in. Finding myself back in normality a 'normality shave' was well deserved and needed. Roll out the ever faithful Enoch with a bunch of friends I'm very happy to call friends.

The Hive-2 and Bayolea are simply made for each other and a great effort from team lather. And a great smelling team effort at the same time. Great lather, great scent, spend all that time getting it right and then remove it all. And duly removed in a shave express kind of way while maintaining a level of smooth and comfortableness which make bunnies happy. Indeed cheerful bunnies all the way 'Reasons to be cheerful parts 1,2,3..........................and 5,6,7,8, etc'

A great start to this new SOTD week and feeling good

I wish you all a most happy week ahead and may your world's be full of equally as happy rabbits. I love you all

I only ran in to these ladies for the first time this afternoon and quite impressed so have some 'Hump Back'. Suppose it all goes to highlight where my wasted time goes.

Sunday 30th October

Ganders Goat Soap w/Hop, Sage & Birch
Boots Old English Lavender (Vintage) Shaving Bowl & Kent Infinity+ Silvertex Fibre
RADIO (Made in England) 1912 & GEM by Personna (7)
Pinaud Citrus Musk (as Aftershave)

We don't know for certain exactly what the RADIO 1912 is about ...

Yes, there's the older Radio Steel blades but my feeling is this razor is of the 1940s era and certainly related to the GEM (Made in England) that I shaved with yesterday as the font is of the same type. Same as the pictured Star Super Edge razor blades as well. Market? Well, yesterday's GEM was for the Australian market so it's not beyond belief that the RADIO might have been for some (other) far flung corner of the globe where British influence pervaded.

Shave? Same as any British 1912. The blade on its 7th run was super-smooth and with the highly efficient razor, my darn fine single pass shave was much enjoyed.

@TobyC "Dance, dance, dance, dance, dance to the radio"

Here's some moody northern fellas to show you how ...


Great musical choice while at it

Time for me is usually associated with the word “bloody” as, in arriving home from the pub at 11.30, “what bloody time do you think this is? Or “isn’t bloody time you fixed that leaking tap”. Simple concept to understand really

Prep: Country Life Tallow/Lanolin/Glycerin Soap, Myrsol Emulsion
Brush: Semogue Special Edition 2013 Olive Wood Silvertip Badger
Cream: XPEC
Razor: Wolfman WR2
Blade: Vintage NOS Gillette 'Aussie Spoiler' (6)
Post: Thayers Cucumber Witch Hazel, Bootlegger's El Dorado Aftershave Lotion
Scent: Caron Yatagan

This brush is a delight.
Mon 31
Soap Barrister & Mann Seville
Brush Yaqi 26mm Lucky Dice 2 Band Badger
Razor Gillette New LC
Blade Eddison Stainless 3rd
Aftershave B&M Seville Splash
Love this soap and matching splash good! The lather is good too, whip up easily with the nice huge badger brush!
A very good shave with the blade again in this nice vintage smooth so efficient. 3passes for a bbs finish...
SOTD 31-Oct

Brush: Chubby 2 SiLVERTiP
Soap: PAA Blue Samhain
Razor: WR2 1.25
Blade: GSB (1)
Post: PAA Blue Samhain AS

Lovely shave this morning, pulled out the Samhain from storage, very very strong scent as with most PAA's or at least certainly the ones I've got my grubby mitts on. Excellent lather with minimal effort with the WR2 scything everything in its path.

Smooth and smelling good, ready to head into work for the first time in a few months, brainstorming session followed by a wonderful afternoon of meetings, at some point I might actually get some work done...oh the joy!

Hope everyone has a cracking day!


SOTD: 30/10/2022

Razor: Razorock Hawk V2
Blade: Kai Captain Titan Mild Pink SE, 5th use
Brush: Razorock Italian Barber Synthetic
Bowl: Face Lather
Preshave: Proraso Blue Prebeard Cream
Soap: Proraso Blue Cream
Aftershave: Fine Barber Blue Aftershave
Balm: Proraso Blue Balm
Additional Care: Shave Tunes Courtesy Of A 1980's Remix Playlist
Additional Care: Wife Sniff Test = Not Too Bad At All

Bit of an Italian theme going on, only because we had pasta for tea last night. Tried face lathering again today and it was just as good as yesterday. There may be something in this malarkey. As an ardent bowl latherer I have never taken the time to learn it.

Upshot is I quite like it. Of course it opens a whole new rabbit hole of brushes suitable for face lathering, something I had never paid attention to. I guess most of my brushes would be suitable but where's the fun in that.