SOTD : Saturday 18th June - Friday 24th June. 2022.


Random choice today was care of Mrs D. She picked between 1 and 33 and Britannia was the choice!

Think I've had enough with this razor. As an impulse purchase from the supermarket not bad actually. Don't think it's pay £5 for the tuck of 5 blades, as stocked when I get get Nacet far cheaper.

I did have a really nice relaxing 3 pass shave after getting back from the gym earlier.

So far, everyone had said that I do smell very nice!


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Razor = Karve CB Aluminium ( D )
Blade = Lord Platinum ( 2 )
Brush = The Turquoise Lilly from C&H with a
V15 Fanchurian
Soap = Wickhams Berry Fields O Blair exclusive to the Gentleman’s Groom Room
with matching splash
Balm = Ben Macdui from Barts Balms

A lovely 3 pass relaxing sunday afternoon shave.
I’m now starting to get board using the same stuff, i really need a change.
Never mind i’ll be home in 2-3 weeks so not all that bad i guess.
Enjoy what’s left of the weekend
Stay Safe
SOTD 20220619
Prep: Myrsol Masaje Antesol
Bowl: Fine
Brush: Morris & Forndran Heritage II L7
Soap: A&E Peach & Cognac
Razor: Wolfman WR2 1.25 SB TI Darwin
Blade: Polsilver Super Iridium
Post: Alum Rub
AS: Antiga Barbearia de Bairro Ribeira Porto

Best Regards
When and what particular SE and blade caused you problems. I have a strong beard and used to Shave daily with DE Razors, then I tried Vintage SE and latterly modern SE and never looked back. Sounds like your technique was not quite right.
Ive tried a couple of current SE’s with Kai’s and feather blades, also vintage schicks and rotated through about 5 different blades. Only once have I ever had a smooth shave without burn. It’s always between lips and chin and neck area, genuinely looks like chicken pox. Can’t blame the soaps, no issues with a DE, although that’s with mild DE’s, more aggressive DE’s and I get the rash. Could be technique but anything but a mild ish razor gets me the rash.
Sunday 20th June

Ganders Goat Soap w/Hop, Sage & Birch
Meissner Tremonia Dark Limes Rasierpaste
Razorock 400 Limited Edition w/Plissoft NoirSynthetic 24mm
Yaqi Mercury & Super Gillette Blue
Meissner Tremonia Dark Limes Aftershave

Second go with this Mercury razor ... and it is a good razor which made for a great shave with a great blade. It is heavy. It is unbalanced. The head is thick, making for trouble around some intricate areas. That said, it might suit you ... just not something I think I'd pick up by choice again. Good to try, nevertheless.

I did very much enjoy the couple of days with my two favourite Meissner Tremonia flavours.