SOTD: Saturday 14 th March to 20Th March 2020

Sun 15th March

The Grosvenor [ 404- mixed ]
Vitos Super Red
Schick "O" Clone
Schick S/S Twin - Japan [ 8 ]
Pitralon Classic A/S Lotion

A really nice relaxed Shave this morning. The "O" Clone fitted with a Twin Blade works really well, provided that you do not rush and use quite short deliberate strokes,today I had no problems getting rid of my quite tough beard made very easy with a copious Vitos lather.


Blame the Monkey of the Blade as he was the one responsible for getting me in to them.

As you say a lovely balance between sharp and smooth. And again I find the other Polsilvers to be excellent but not quite the same sense of shave happiness.

Here, have some Japanese ladies

Ha Ha we have all been educated in the ways of Japanese Metal
And today I decided to give my shave a theme and the theme was 'Bugger quiting having themed shaves as I am too damn lazy to dream up another format and' why change a bad thing? 'as they say'

A good bad thing - Stainless Colonial General
A bad good thing - Schick Proline
Good. A good thing - Razorock 400
A thing. Good or bad? - Signature Soaps Londinium

So back to what I know. Which isn't much
And my motley crew agree

Same gear as a few pages back and the same brilliant end results.

Have a great week you wonderful bunch and yes, the Japanese ladies are here to stay. Have some Aldious with a very appropriate song

For a band who usually knock out some real heavy material I am always a bit tickled by this one. But they do the pretty thing in a very nice way. Ahhhhhh

A belter of a B&W photo, Chris.

Prep: Valobra Glycerlanolina soap, Myrsol Emulsion
Brush: Semogue Owners Club Boar
Soap: PannaCrema Nuavia Blu
Razor: Merkur Mergress (3.5)
Blade: NOS Gillette Super Silver (13)
Post: Thayers Cucumber Witch Hazel; Bootleggers El Dorado Aftershave Splash

Very close 3-pass shave. After the ATG pass on my neck, I felt a tad of irritation. Didn't last for long.
As I was cleaning up, I saw that I had inadvertently changed the setting on the Mergress to 3.5 from my ususal 2.5 some time during the shave.
Gotta say it is the closest shave I've had for some time!
Great finish with the Thayers Witch Hazel and Bootlegger's splash.
A good thing of course!!!!!
Ah the Sunday shave, so much going on in the world, such yes, a small respite from all of it. Reached for the Karve CB with the A OC plate. Now, I haven't been a fan of Feather Hi Stainless in the past but with a mild setup I favour super sharp blades. My go to blades are the Kai Super Stainless, Gillette Nacet or Polsilver IR in a mild razor. However, I got gifted a tuck of Feather DEs so why not give them a go today.

Soap of the day CBL Black Rose Oud. I have been waiting to give this one a go. The performance of CBL soaps (all of them) is exceptionally good. Premium base, Tonsorial...just give them a go you won't be disappointed. A lovely mild rose scent. Great lather and slickness always awaits with Chris's soaps. Excellent!

A wonderful three pass BBS shave. Topped it off with Thayer's Witch Hazel Rose Petal and Guerlain Habit Rouge. Now it's been a rough and uncertain week for a lot of people. Call those you love and keep them and yours in your prayers. Stay safe and be careful.

Rating: 5 / 5

Razor: Karve Christopher Bradley
Blade: Feather Hi Stainless
Brush: Simpson Chubby 2
Lather: CBL Black Rose Oud
Aftershave: Thayers Witch Hazel Rose Pedal
Additional Care:
B.I.G. Co. Alum Block
Monday‌ ‌03.16.20‌ ‌SOTD‌

Gillette ‘58 D2 Gold Travel Tech
Gillette‌ ‌Nacet‌ ‌(1)‌ ‌
Frank‌ ‌Shaving‌ ‌24mm‌ ‌x‌ ‌53mm‌ ‌Finest‌ ‌Badger‌ ‌ ‌
Fine Italian Citrus Shave Soap in shallow Ball Jar
Cool washcloth rinse

Mon 16 SOTD
Croap Suezbana Lemon&TeaTree
Brush Yaqi 24mm Silvertip
Razor Edwin Jagger DE89
Blade SuperMax Platinum Plus 2
Post & After Shave
Alum + Thayers Lemon + Gatsby Splash
Face lather was very good. Soft brush with backbone. Refreshing scent of lemongrass. Slick too.
Shave with razor and blade a great combo. Safe and reasonably efficient. No issues with blade like in the Single ring previously. Same blade. This time very smooth and sharpish. This shave proved that same blade can be different performance in different razors.
3pass + pickup. WTG, XTG/ATG & ATG. Very satisfied except yesterday's irritated area are slightly made worse. A DFS session with 98% BBS. Rating today 9.5/10