SOTD: Saturday 1 - Friday 7 October 2022.

3 October
Had an early start today so reached for the mid 40s Milord. Gillette apparently used real gold at the time but applied it with a thickness of about one atom. Amazingly, it still has most of its original gold finish. The box is ok but is in a more worn state than the razor.
Super quick creamy lather from ARKO and cheapo synthetic brush, first time for me with this soap and brush but really impressed.
Wilko by Gillette blade, two passes plus pick up, quick shower and dab of Gillette face gel; perfect way to start the day.
Enjoy the moment fellas!

That's a nice looking Gillette post-war one-piece, but I don't believe it's a Milord. Looks more like a 45/46 Aristocrat. See below:

The Milord was a different one-piece of the same era. See Below:

Get well soon and stand down wind!

Monday 3rd October

Ganders Goat Soap w/Hop, Sage & Birch
Truefitt & Hill Sandalwood Shaving Bowl & Semogue SOC Butterscotch w/Blonde Boar 24mm
Muhle Rocca Gold & Treet Dura-Sharp (Carbon) (1)
Pashana Original Aftershave

Super! I've been enjoying traditional hard soaps of late and so had a nose around the market and got myself another - T&H Sandalwood. I was a little hesitant about it as it is one with sodium palmate as the first ingredient and there is a bit of a reputation around many soaps of this ilk coming from that Soap Works formula, but I was very pleased to pull up a lovely thick and creamy lather with my Semogue SOC Butterscotch which I lovingly named 'Rutger' (as in Rutger Hauer with his blonde hair and orange face).

Treet Dura-Sharp really are top of the heap, when it comes to blades. In the superb Muhle Rocca I had a super-sharp, super-smooth and super-close shave off two passes. Chuffing lovely! Splash of Pash to finish and despite the strength of scent in that aftershave, I can still make out the gloriously light and fragrant sandalwood that T&H have put together.

Another super smooth shave with the Ascension, and the delightful Signature Soaps Wicstun. I never thought an OC could be this smooth a shave. I’ve gone back to using my 3-D printed bowls and all my soaps are lathering up so much more easily. It’s definitely a time saver in the week, the Captains choice bowl will likely hit the BST this week!
Cheers Lee, Best Regards Brian
To continue with the theme month OCtober I hereby present the shave themed, 'OCcultober'

Satanfriendlyism - Rocnel SE-P
Mrssatanfriendlyism - 0.476382% of a Dorco Prime
The alchemists brush - AP Shaving 24mm Cashmere
Soapy enlightenment - Extro Arancia
Moisturiserism - Collegen moisturiser
Sacrificial incense - Atelier Orange Sanguine
Virgins blood - No chance around here
'By gosh, it's jolly well dark down there'

Forged from the fires of Hell (in my back garden) that tool of Lucifer himself, the Rocnel SE-P. Designed by a bunch of sadists with a sick sense of hilarity and a fascination for blood sports.

But shit, what a razor if you have the patience and inclination to live with its seriously viscious edge (literally). Live with its quirkiness and treat it with uptmost respect and the rewards are the closest shaves possible without calling it 'the death of a thousand cuts'. This evening involved using the granddaughters gloves and the rewards were delivered. One slight cut, but more through gross stupidity than gross evil.

A very orange based theme on the scent front with the Arancia and the Sanguine, but just happens to be a favourite air with me. What a Jaffa based little devil I am.

The usual stupidly close shave and amazingly low level on the injury stakes. Smashing.

God knows who these are but they do like the after effects of the demise of Ladybaby. At least two of the girls look familiar, but then again they don't half swap around in the Japanese girly band scene. Still........

That's a nice looking Gillette post-war one-piece, but I don't believe it's a Milord. Looks more like a 45/46 Aristocrat. See below:

The Milord was a different one-piece of the same era. See Below:

Certainly looks that way, unfortunately there is no name inside the lid of my box, maybe worn away with age? The box though looks very much like the Aristocrat box. I like the coloured fotos, very informative. Where do these come from?

Simpson Duke 2 Best
Rockwell 6C (3)
Polsiver Łódź (2)
Sir Irisch Moos shaving stick
Thayer’s Cucumber witch hazel
Speick Active a/s

The Duke 2 is my favourite brush to use for lathering a soap stick, and a great face latherer in general. Muärer & Wirtz made an excellent tallow soap, this one smells fresh and pleasant, whereas Tabac…..

Great shave. Enjoy yours gents.