SOTD SAT 14th NOV TO FRI 20th NOV 2015

Personna Floating Head 11 Injector..:)

Three Pass Shaving Routine...:cool:

Hot Water prep & massage with Coconut Oil
Personna Floating Head 11 Injector
NOS Schick Twin Injector Blade (New)
Semogue Boar Brush
Wars Classic Shaving Cream (added Argan oil)
Organic Aloe Vera Gel
Logana Mann After Shave Splash (From Germany)

Had a Midnight shave with my Personna Floating Head 11 Injector tonight...I had about 4 days of whiskers to cut down...I prefer these NOS Schick Twin blades to the NOS Gillette Track 11 blades in this injector...These Schick blades are far sharper and ever so smooth...Its easy to run the blades across the stops in this injector...Extra care is needed when loading it...This injector has the hallmarks of some American Safety Company injectors in that the "Sweet Spot" is quite subtle ...This is a very smooth and forgiving injector but its deceptively aggressive in my books...Very subtle though...Never missed a Whisker & my face is as smooth as silk...Good Karma...:p

Today was day 17 for me with the Feather AC SS and I am in a groove. I haven't had any blood or significant irritation for days. I decided to go longer than a week with a blade this time and did day ten today. I still got a DFS with no tugging and think I'll go another day or two.
TOBS Grapefruit
Rubberset 400
Feather AC SS
Feather Professional (10)
Pinaud Clubman AS
Have fun!
Today was day 17 for me with the Feather AC SS and I am in a groove. I haven't had any blood or significant irritation for days. I decided to go longer than a week with a blade this time and did day ten today. I still got a DFS with no tugging and think I'll go another day or two.
TOBS Grapefruit
Rubberset 400
Feather AC SS
Feather Professional (10)
Pinaud Clubman AS
Have fun!

I find the first few shaves a little weeperish but the blade soon settles and becomes smooth and lasts and lasts and lasts
Faena Mastic Tree
Semogue 2000
Mulcuto slant
Lord (2)
Witch hazel and tea tree EO
Freshwood AS balm

Scent on this soap comes alive when lathered. If you like it thick and creamy then Faena is your soap.
Wednesday 18 November 2015


RazorGuy Shave

This morning I felt like having what I call a "RazorGuy Shave", that is a shave in which I use my homemade shaving products, those I make at home for my own enjoyment with the spirit of experimenting new things. I also wanted to use my father's shaving brush - a 35 years old Omega Bristle 47 and still performing like the best champion - and this Dovo 2Bismarck I received as a gift. As for my shaving products, this time I used my pre-shave oil, my almond shaving soap - absolutely a superior and amazing soap with a superb post shave, not to mention, providing an excellent cushion effect and slickness for a straight razor - and my "old" Bay Rum, a batch I made quite a long time ago. I enjoyed everything, including this Dovo 2Bismarck that, when properly honed and stropped - in my case, Mastro Livi loom strop and hand palm - is capable of giving a very good shave.​

  • Pre-Shave: RazorGuy Pre-Shave Oil
  • Soap: RazorGuy Shaving Soap
  • Brush: My Father's Omega Bristle 47
  • Bowl: Old Barber Bowl
  • Strop: Mastro Livi Small Loom Strop and Hand Palm
  • Razor: Dovo 2Bismarck Pearl, 6/8 Full Hollow, Round point
  • Post-Shave: Alum Block
  • Post-Shave: Argan Oil
  • After Shave: RazorGuy Bay Rum
SOTD: The sub £6 shave.

Each element of this shave cost me less than £6...

Pre: Shower
Soap: OSP Bay Rum
Brush: Vonel Boar
Razor: Weck Sextoblade
Blade: Cloud
Razor: Ever Ready 1912
Blade: Personna GEM
Post: Alum/Nivea Balm

First pass with the Weck, 2nd and 3rd with the 1912.

Only my 3rd attempt with the Weck. Enjoying figuring it out thus far. Not sure about these Cloud blades, they almost seem too flimsy. Is this true of all shaper blades?
Shave & Scent of the day with:

Soap: Tim's Soap Greek Peach
Brush: L'Occitane Plisson Synthetic
Razor: ATT Atlas R1
Blade: Rapira Swedish Supersteel (1st)
Post #1: Myrsol Emulsion
Post #2: Origins Multi-benefit Moisturizer
Scent: Millesime Imperial by Creed

Not sure why I don't like these Rapira blades any more.
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