SOTD SAT 14th NOV TO FRI 20th NOV 2015

I've really enjoyed the shaves so far with the LPL, the creamy lather and scent make it a dream to use especially with the synthetic brush.

LPL Rose de Pushkar
Feather AC SS
Feather Professional blade
Witch hazel with tea tree
Nivea creme


3P preshave
Razorock Chubby
Razorock P160
Standard Razor
English Wilky (2)
Fine American Blend
SOTD - Saturday afternoon
Pre: Hot towels & Village Barber oil
Soap: La Savonnière du Moulin (Donkey milk) soap
Brush: Vie Long Epsilon, 26mm 2-band
Razor 1: Friedr Herder #77 Square
Razor 2: Vintage Feather travel razor
Blade: Feather (3)
Post: Thayer's witch hazel followed by SdM Caresse d'Âne balm
First outing with both razors today. I used too much pressure with the straight and now have irritated skin. :(
Very smooth followup with the travel Feather. I'm told it's rather rare so it won't get used much. The SdM balm sure puts out the fire!

After the 3-pass shave...
Pre: Hot shower, Nivea wash conditioning & aloe vera.
Razor: Edwin Jagger DE89
Blade: Perma Sharp Stainless
Brush: Stirling "Kong"
Soap: Martin De Candre
Post: Nivea Post Shave Cooling Balm

Thanks in parts to @Burgundy :)image.jpeg
Prep : Hot Shower and towel.
Soap : Last of the Shannon's Lady luck sample
Razor : Ikon 102 Slant
Blade : Astra SP (3)
Finish : Alum, Witch Hazel, Jacques Bogart, One man show (Gold edition)

Well I'm a month in and have been making slow but steady progress, decided to stick with one razor 1 blade combination, just to keep some continuity, seems to be working, have had 3 shaves with the 102 and the Astra, with improved results as the usage has gone on, the blade felt tuggy at the end of shave 3 as expected, but all technique has definitely improved, I now know I have been using far to deep an angle, and have adjusted accordingly, next step is switch to a Voskhod and repeat the process with the next 3 shaves.
Back to the old love when I started wet shaving some years ago - Taylor of Old Bond Street Sandalwood (a barbershop fragrance rather) shaving cream and aftershave gel placed in some beautiful Ralph Lauren Safari containers, to garnish the main menu consisting of Dalvey synthetic brush and Joseph Elliot Silver Steel razor dressed with curved carved bone scales. Result - a mouth watering shave

Sat 14th Nov.
Omega 11126
OSP Bay Rum
Gem S/S [ 3 ]
Alum Rub/Rinse Off
Aqua Velva

Topped off the week with a great Shave,beating the good ones with both a 1914 & 1924. Everything has worked for me this week ,
must be getting things right - but must not be complacent.

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Evening, all.
Prep: Pears
Razor: EJ DE89
Blade: Gillette Silver Blue (1)
Brush: Kabuki Bamboo
Shave cream: Kiss My Face unscented
Aftershave: Royall Musk

Prep: Gillette Pre Shave Wash
Soap: Razorock XXX
Brush: Razorock Plissoft 24mm
Razor: Stahley
Blade: GSB (1)
Post: Generic witch hazel / Baylis & Harding Noir Balm

Now I know what all the fuss is about. First use of the Stahley today. After cranking it up, I tentatively put vibrating razor on my face. Nothing to fear as it shaved as normal, although I didn't bother winding it up again for the second pass. The design of the head on this razor is as good as others have said, efficient, but very smooth and forgiving. It's also the first time I've actually had a top notch performance from a GSB. DFS in 2 passes plus touch-up.

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Sapone : Creed Original Vetiver
Pennello : Simpson M7 Manchurian
Rasoio : Wacker The Barbiers Bride 6/8
Strop : Paciccella
AS : Guerlain Vetiver
EDP: Creed Original Vetiver


LPL Rose de Pushkar
Progress (5/4/3)
Lord (2)
Nivea creme

Nice quick, effortless shave, didn't need the final pass but did as had some of this wonderful lather in the brush still.

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