SOTD Sat. 13th April to Fri. 19th April 2013

Gillette Mach3 (7)
Semogue 1520 boar
Proraso green soap
Proraso blue balm
Penhaligon's Endymion

Gillette Mach3 (8)
Semogue SOC 2-band
Proraso white soap
Lucky Tiger Face Tonic
Floris JF edt

Crap shave tonight. The Mach3 cartridge is rapidly declining plus the lather wasn't loose enough - and I couldn't be bothered to rectify it so ploughed on.
NotTheStig said:
How do you find the Surrey shaving soap?
Very slick and not as drying as some soaps. I think I'm a bit of a cream softie tbh as soaps, even MWF seem to dry my skin.
Prep: HS
Razor: DePew's Perfect Razor Custom scale
Brush: Simpson commodore x3
SC: Penhaligon's Endymion
AS: Cologne Penhaligon's Endymion

Love this razor so much. Truly lives up the the words etched on the blade.

Warm shower
Camomile soap
Real Shaving Co face scrub (like sandpaper!)
Proraso White pre/post applied with brush
Bluebeard's Revenge Cream
NE 2204 brush
Polsilver Super Iridium (1)
Proraso white ASB

Two and a half passes. WTG, XTG and a bit of tidying up.
First outing with he Polsilver blade. Liked it very much. Best so far.
Evening, gents.


Prep: Claus Porto Lime-oil face soap
Razor: EJDE89 with iKon Bulldog handle
Blade: Gillette Super Thin (3)
Brush: Ecotools Kabuki
Shave cream: Kiss my Face unscented
A/S: Harvard

Another excellent, accidental BBS! I'm really enjoying my shaves at the moment.
Hot shower
Simpsons pre shave oil
D R Harris Arlington soap
DE89 with Israeli blade
Simpsons Commodore X3
D R Harris Arlington aftershave splash
Dior Eau Sauvage EDT

Summery / citrus theme

Smells good, top results.
Re: RE: SOTD Sat. 13th April to Fri. 19th April 2013

Easy to lather? I hear the smell is either subtle or weak?
Prep: Cold Water Splash
Razor: Red Tip Rocket
Blade: Personna Platinum #2
Brush: Simpson Duke 2 Best
Soap: Lea Stick
Post: Proraso Menthol Post Cream
Aftershave: Proraso Splash

A lovely 2 pass cold water face lather shave

I really like the way this razor shaves, I get why they were called super speed's, a fast close shave.
pearl open comb
english wilkinson sword
shavemac #125 silvertip
truefitt & hill trafalgar shaving cream
old spice fresh lime AS/ 444

excellent shave. getting an easy, close shave with the pearl razor, im liking it a lot.

Prep: Hot flannel
Razor: Cobra Classic
Blade: Feather Professional (4)
Brush: Semogue cherry wood boar
Soap: Woodhead suribachi filled with odds and ends
Post shave: Alcolado Glacial and Proraso balm

Best shave with this yet. Featherweight touch and use the razor with a technique similar to a disposable and it really works well.
Mr.Magnus said:
Prep: HS
Razor: DePew's Perfect Razor Custom scale
Brush: Simpson commodore x3
SC: Penhaligon's Endymion
AS: Cologne Penhaligon's Endymion

Love this razor so much. Truly lives up the the words etched on the blade.

WOW, that's one purty straight!
Hot shower while letting the Prorasso pre/post soak into the skin and 3 days of stubble
Feather Artist Club
ProGuard blade
Cella (deffinately now my favourite)
JEC brush
Prorasso pre/post
After letting the Prorasso sink in and dissapear I finished with a rather generous splash of Steve's Bay Rum.

I'm really starting to nail down the things I like and how I like to use them. Only the fourth shave with the Feather and it is a keeper. Managed two passes tonight with no cuts or weepers. Needed a couple of wee touch-ups with a DE though as there are a couple of bits I am finding tricky. I find this strange as I have used a straight often enough, I guess it could just be a difference in weight or feel and will take a few more shaves to "get into" but it feels good to use and more importantly it feels natural already.
I have so many DE and SE blades here to try from kind forum members but I really can't see any of them being used for quite a while. I may have found my perfect razor
Prep Face wash L'Occitane verbena soap
Razor Puma 75
Strop Kanayama cordovan #8000
Brush Simpsons M7 LE finest silvertip
GFT coconut oil shaving cream
Alum & Witch hazel
Raw Shea butter & coco butter
Penhaligon's Castile Edt


A very nice two pass shave.

Martin de Candre
Henk walnut silvertip
Progress on 1.5, 1 with Astra SP
TOBS Mr. Sidney a/s (thanks Gairdner)

A little rushed but still reasonable.