Shave of the Day. W/C Saturday 7th Aug 2010

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Starting to get frustrated today,

Hot Shower
ej de89l
Super Iridium (3)
Nivea Senstive

Still getting loads of irritation on the neck and chin, really starting to hurt now and it felt like the blade was a day past its smoothness. On the plus side the palmolive was good just dont like the roughness of a poor shave and irritation im getting.
Grain / Proraso / Pressure

1. Try to find out your grain's direction in the sensitive areas. One you have 12+ (or 24+) hrs of stubble growth, pass any of your fingers over those areas and identify grain direction.
2. Try being even softer with applying pressure when holding the razor and shaving with the grain in those areas.
3. Use Proraso pre/post during shower. Dub a reasonable quantity after you've wetted your face, then continue with body shower; let it work on your face for few mins. Depending on skin, it can make a tremendous difference.
4. Blade could also be a factor that does not assist you very much in this respect, but it's probably not the major factor; therefore leave this variable to play with at a later stage.
5. Be patient though persistent. 8 months ago I was exactly where you are now and had my breakthrough only a week ago...

I feel better just for venting! I'm going to try the proraso pre and post shave I reckon, the blade felt like it was done yesterday after 2 shaves but I told myself dont be daft and cracked on today. I've mapped my beard out and have been shaving with the grain then across the grain to finish, i'm going to spend a bit more time on the angle of the razor tomorrow.

Thanks for the advice, I just don't seem to be getting results as good as my cartridge razor and they wernt that good!
Wednesday morning
Pre: Hot shower
Brush: New Forest
Razor: Le Grelot
Soap: Omega
Post: Proraso
AS: La Coste Challange
Strop: Neil Miller linnen/buffallo 30/50
Result: very nice

My Le grelot still holds the nicest edge, almost like Neils edges (an american guy honed it, the guy I bought her from) . My Fido is great, tons of lather with very little preload, thank God for the soft water we have here. Peter - if you wonder why the text is a little faint, it´s from when I cleaned my brushes and it slipped down a little to far in the cleaning pot and got some organic acid on the label (water/pure vinegar solution).
Wednesday 10am

Tools: Merkur 34C, Merkur Platinum blade (3), Palmolive Classic cream, cheap brush, Aqua Vella A/S

Results: DFS, but 2 bleeders, so I chucked the blade after this one.

My main problem was the lather, if I can get that sorted, my sister is bob's niece.


Edit: My Gillette Rocket arrived at 11am... damn, should have waited, now I have nothing left to shave.. may do my legs/arms/head?

Trumper Razor
New Forest 2201
Old Spice Whitewater

Changed the Swede blade that had done 8 shaves as a precaution rather than out of necessity.

Merkur Futur
7 o'clock yellow
New Forest brush
Pecksniffs Citrus soap
Pecksniffs Citrus ASB

Same setup yesterday, but didn't feel satisfactory. I know that you guys will blame the soap, and I'm willing to accept that you may well be right.

I did exactly the same today, but used a hot towel before, with improved results. So I'll do this tomorrow, and add some Truefitt & Hill pre-shave oil and see what difference that makes.

I've been reading cream reviews both here and on B&B (I'm disappointed that I've not been banned from B&B, as this is becoming something of a badge of honour around these parts, but I suppose that I'd need to register first and I really can't be bothered). Anyway, as is usually the case, the more that you investigate and research these things, the more confused you become.

Hey ho.



Bassler 5/8 Stainless steel round point
Wilkinson sword boar brush
Palmolive soap
Blue Stratos.

Getting there but still got a problem area with a straight.
Tuesday Evening

Feather Portable head on Parker handle + Feather (3)
Newfy 2201
Proraso splash

First time I've used Cella. Very nice soap that seems very easy to lather.

Fido's brush still hasn't shed a single hair. I like it.

All in all, a DFS.

'59 Fatboy (on 5 and 6)
Wilkinson Sword classic Blade (2)
New Forest 2201
Mama Bears Carribean soap
Cerrus Blue Steel AS.
Wednesday, 08-11-10.

Soap from Marsella 72% Olive oil - Semogue 730HD - Gillette Aristocrat #21 - Feather #1 - Pre Proraso - Institut de Karité - Alum block - Toner Thayers Original Aloe Vera - ASB Institut de Karité.


Mühle R41 (merkur 15c head and Mühle R89 Handle)
Israeli (1)
Pure Badger
Blue Beards Revenge Cream
Coral Skin Food

I really like the Merkur/Mühle R41, I can see the reason Blyth Spirit rates it. DFS/BBS.
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