Shave of the Day. W/C Saturday 28th August 2010

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Feather AS-D1 Razor
New Forest 2201
Castle Forbes Lavender Shaving Cream
Blue Stratos a/s

Nice shave. Blue Stratos is the most burning a/s that I have ever tried.

Monday morning
Pre: Hot shower
Razor: Revisor 6/8
Brush: Henks 22 mm silvertip in oak wood
Soap: Cella
AS: Floid
Strop: Neil Miller linen/buffallo 30/60
Result: Very clean :shave

I really like the feeling of this brush, it´s a looker, perfect size for me, lathers well and very nice to the face :D. Two passes and some touch up = very clean indeed.

Hot shower
The Real Shaving Co Face Scrub
Mekur Futur (setting 1.8)
Astra Superior Stainless (Blue & White Pack)
Body Shop for Men Shave Cream
Nivea for Men Sensitive Aftershave Balm

First use of the astra blade, got a close shave but didn't enjoy it. The blade felt like it was dragging instead of slicing through the whiskers, got a few nicks and now quite a bit of burn and irritation on the neck and jaw line. I'll see if things improve with the next couple of shaves but at the moment I'll not be getting any more of these.

'59 Fatboy
Astra Platinum (1)
Neo Finest 2-Band
Tabac SS
Tabac AS

I may have gone at it a touch strong today as the right side of my neck is a little sore, and there is a bit of a rash!

Crabtree & Evelyn Sienna is a great value hard soap with a distinctive scent of leather, citrus and spice (so they say!) Lathered superbly today. Safety measure not needed.

Monday AM

Gillette A3 1955 Superspeed
Super Max SS (3)
Wilkinson Sword Boar Brush
C&E Sandalwood Soap

Brut AS

The real joy of this rotation has been the quality of soap whipped up (in a bowl) by the much maligned Wilky brush; superb performance. Now that Autumn is here I think that the hard soaps will feature more and more...and to add to what Fido said previously C&E hard soaps are excellent, cost effective, quality products.

Very pleased.
EJDE89L + Supermax (4)
404 bodger + EJ Aloe Vera soap
Witch Hazel + Kenzo Air a/s
Eucris EDT (a couple of hours later)

Love the scent of the Aloe Vera soap - it's the soap that most reminds me of watching my Grandad shave 30 or 40 years ago.
The Supermax was pulling by the 3rd pass. Quite a contrast to the eleven 3 pass shaves I had from my last blade (feathers). But no complaints since they are less than quarter their price.

Prep: Cold water
Razor: Mühle R89
Blade: Gillette 7 O’clock Sharp Edge
Brush: Cyril R Salter pure badger
Soap: Mitchell’s Wool Fat
Post: Alum block
After Shave Balm: Handmade Naturals: Organic After-shave balm.


My face is begging me to go back to my Gillette slim! I fear the Mühle R89 just isn't for me. Needless to say, not a great shave today.

Monday, 08-30-10.

Soap from Marsella - Semogue 730HD - Merkur Slant - Personna IP #2 - Pre Proraso - Godrej mentholated - Alum block - Astringent Thayers Lemon - ASL Aqua Velva + ASB Floïd.


Ever Ready 1912
Gem PTFE (1)
TBS Synthetic Brush
De Vergulde Hand shaving soap
Wilkos ASB
Pinaud Clubman AS

Face lathered the Verguide, just rubbed the soap on my chops and gave it a going over with the TBS brush, always a great shave with the 1912 and a DFS was had, I have a spot on my face which I cant shave over [spots at 52 !!!! :eek: ] otherwise it would have been a BBS.


Late Monday Morn:

    • After having a bit of a lie-in, I fed a Lion (Super Stainless) into a Lion (3-Piece, with plastic handle) - and that's no lyin'.

      Then I lathered up some (Lime) ShavePalm in my palm & shaved.

      Next I applied Lemon Thayers' witch hazel, and rinsed.
        • Next I applied Lemon Thayers' witch hazel, and rinsed.
                  • ... again. [/list:u][/list:u][/list:u][/list:u][/list:u][/list:u][/list:u]

                    Finally, I splashed out and splashed on Alcolado Glacial splash.
                            • Splash![/list:u][/list:u][/list:u][/list:u][/list:u][/list:u][/list:u]
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