Shave of the Day. W/C Saturday 21st Aug 2010

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RedNeckRash said:
The mama bears soap is great! what a lather.
Good job, a really nice leather. The brush is not a Semogue 2000? The handle looks very similar.

Vincent TTO
Gillette Platinum (8)
Vulfix #5
Palmolive Soap
Wilkos ASB
Adidas Dynamic Pulse AS

I should have used a less aggressive razor than the Vincent, still got a DFS with a couple of weepers [my own fault], the blade gap on the Vincent is like a Slim on steriods, still the blade still feels good for another shave [a record for me, 8 is my record and that was with a Plat].



Hot wash with The Real Shaving Co face scrub
Merkur Futur - set to about 1.8
Wilkinson Sword Stainless - Indian (1)
Body Shop Original Shaving Cream
Anthony Logisitcs Ingrown hair treatment
Nivea For Men Sensitive after shave balm

Another good shave this evening using a new blade from the sample pack. Blade felt nice and smooth and easily removed a few days growth with 2 passes, really liked the blade but will have to see how it holds up after a few shaves. No nicks or irritation - technique seems to be really improving now :)
RedNeckRash said:
I have found a use for this hideous plastic money box, me and the missus, well more the missus bought it from Ikea a few years ago and I HATE IT!!! now it has a use :)
Heres a nice little pic so you know im not lying when I say its hideous.

Heh heh - my daughter's got that bank in her room. I quite like it - it's great as it's full on pound coins all the time so I can get change a tenner for a load of pound coins for the bus / work cash loaders :D

5/8 Air Brand
Honeybee Sandalwood soap
Simpsons Commodore X1
Boots Distilled Witch Hazel
Gillette Series Intense Cooling Balm
Pinaud Clubman Virgin Island Bay Rum

Best lather I've ever had from that soap. The Commodore is fast becoming my favourite soap brush (and face-lathers cream like a dream too!)

EJ Chatsworth
Bleue Extra (1)
Duke 3 Best
Speick stick (grated)
Speick AS

A nice clean trouble free shave with this blade, from a pack kindly sent by Audio.
Razor: Rolls Razor
Brush: Vie-Long 16258
Cream: C.O.Bigelow
ASB: C.O.Bigelow Black Elixir
Cologne: C.O.Bigelow Black Elixir


Shake 3x. 1min40 lather. 7 pass. Dry lather ever pass. Rework lather. Thin 4th pass.

Merkur progress 500
gillette super thin
Nanny's citrus zinger
new forest 2201
Old spice fresh lime

Progress is rather good with a super thin. Nanny's citrus zinger smells mouth wateringly citrusy ,nice. Fido liked it as well. Stood for a while savouring the aroma ,nearly forgot to start shaving . I idiotically moved the blade sideways on my chin ,got a nice cut ,bled like a pig (as well as looking and smelling like one). Note to self :razor blades are sharp ,try to concentrate . Styptic was located and saved the day. Alum and loads of cold water to rinse. Old spice fresh lime for the win .


40's style superspeed
Red IP (2)
Arko soap
Kent H8
Hackett's a/s balm.

Not really sure what went wrong. Nice smooth shave but a few mins afterwards, and I'm sure I can say this on a mature male grooming forum, my cheeks were on fire. Went for some balm and about half an hour later things are better but still a bit hot.
Monday Night:

    • - Gillette Adjustable (H3 Slim), set on '5'
      - Gillette Platinum NOS (Brit-plat)
      - Omega Pro 49
      - Arko Sensitive shave cream
      - Lemon Thayers' witch hazel
      - Kartopu Kolonya Limon as AS
      - Kalina's Phyto Expert for Men ASB[/list:u][/list:u]

      Proinsias said:
      40's style superspeed
      Red IP (2)
      Arko soap
      Kent H8
      Hackett's a/s balm.

      Not really sure what went wrong. Nice smooth shave but a few mins afterwards, and I'm sure I can say this on a mature male grooming forum, my cheeks were on fire. Went for some balm and about half an hour later things are better but still a bit hot.

      Bizzarre? I had pretty much the same reaction to my shave tonight though through nothing linked to my use of the tools chosen, as far as I can tell. The only common links seem to be the use of vintage kit and an Arko product (my first use of anything by Arko to be honest).
        • The cream seemed great while I was using it - good buffer and amazing after slip.
          • Has anyone else had this 'Un-accountable Burn Phenomenon (UBP?)' happen?
              • This bears more mindful observation, perhaps?[/list:u][/list:u][/list:u][/list:u][/list:u]

Flair Tip Super Speed
Vintage gillette thin (1)
TOBS Jermyn St
Boots witch Hazel
Old spice original AS

Not the best shave today in the sense of smoothness, I needed 4 passes to get through 3 days of growth and my necks still pretty rough, plus points are no pain and just a tiny bit of rash on the neck.

Going to use the same blade in my merkur HD tomorrow to see if it was the super speed that was too mild.
Tuesday morning
Pre: Hot shower
Brush: New Forest
Razor: Frederick´s, The Old English Razor
Soap: Omega
AS: Old Spice Fresh Lime
Strop: Neil Miller linnen/buffallo 30/50
Result: Very, very close

Shave was really good today and the menthol in the Omega soap really felt nice and the lather was slick and plentyfull (thanks to my Fido :D) + the tips feels so soft, softer than some of my silvertips.
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