Shave of the Day. W/C Saturday 16th October 2010

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Gillette Swede
New Forest 2201
Nivea Sensitive ASB

WTG and XTG, the Futur gives a closer shave than when I go ATG with most of my other razors.

Today after 3 days of shaving strike in my part of France. (JK, I hate the strikes!), I decided give the SuperMax blade a second go..
Well colour me impressed, second shave with these, they work really well for me.. these aren't the same everyone talks about here I think...The packaging seems to be different.. anyone know where I can get the ones I'm using?

Anyways, I went for a complete "no-surprise" shave, and damn was it good, first go with Nanny's Patchouli, it's lovely! (I was expecting no less)
The Flare tip performed as usual, excelent, this is really a no-nonsense go-to razor.
And of course Fido's latest creation, which is lovely!
I topped it all off with the alum & Nivea sensitive ASB.


Merkur 37c
Merkur (3)
Wilkinson Sword Boar
WARS Cream

Proraso AS
Proraso ASB

I bowl lathered with the Wilky & WARS and produced another real bucket of high quality lather and I love the smell of WARS cream. Let's also hear it for the Wilky Boar, properly 'broken in' these much maligned (too cheap, too available, not obscure enough?) brushes really do do a cracking job.

A very good shave, smooth as silk! One of the better ones I think.


Gillette slim twist
Supermax Blade (1)
Ingram Cream
Vulfix 2235
OS Whitewater

A good shave but not as good as I'm accustomed to plus I got complacent while J-hooking and nicked myself. I don't think that Supermax's perform as well in a slim twist as they do in my Futur I'll swap it into the Futur for the next shave and see what result that brings.

not shaved since friday so plenty to hack at

Musgo Real pre-shave soap
Super Thin x 5
Wilkinson Sword stick
Omega 49
Denim Black a\s

added the flannel wipe (patented by rangers) after rinse before applying a\s to help get all the soap off

Rocket hd
Supermax 'tiger' titanium
new forest 2211
Bodyshop maca root sc
Mennen skin bracer

The super max tiger restored my faith in the supermax 'vidyut' blades after yesterdays debacle with the super max stainless.
The mennen skin bracer is definitely my favourite from the AV group buy. All excellent performances today . A good shave .

Tuesday, 10-19-10. MUSIC: Roxy Music_LP Roxy Music (1972).

Soap from Alepo - Simpson Persian Jar 2 Two Bands - Gillette English Aristocrt #58 - Polsilver #2 - Institut Karité shaving soap - Alum block - Toner Thayers Original - ASL Royal Copenhagen + ASB Institut Karité.

Tuesday -still plugging away with that Bic

Palmolive Cream
WS Classic
Bic Chrome Plat

After yesterday's fiasco with a Bic Chrome Platinum in a Tech, I decided to try the same blade, now on it's 4th day of use, in my WS Classic, keeping everything else the same. Y'know what? It worked better on day 4 in the WS Classic than day 1 in the Tech. There's more to this blade choice thing than I thought, and that WS Classic continues to impress. Planning something completely different for tomorrow!

1960 Gillette Fatboy, Shaving Shack Israeli blade, Omega cream, Simpsons Commodore X1, Alum block,
L'Oreal Men Expert Hydra Energetic AS balm, Aqua Velva Musk cologne

Tuesday 19th:

Hot soak of face with facecloth
BS Maca Root Shaving Cream (courtesy of Dermot O Logical)
New EJ DE86
Derby Blade
BS Maca Root Razor Relief (Again courtesy of Dermot)

1st time using this razor as only received it in the post today. a few minor nicks - probably to be expected as its heavier than the WS classic used before. Only did 2 passes - could probably have done with a 3rd.

Overall very pleased with the razor.
Also very impressed with the maca root - didn't use too much and it produced a lot of lather and swmbo prefers the scent to other creams / soaps.
Tuesday evening

Hot shower
Proraso pre cream
Fatboy (3)
Gillette 'Swede' (3)
Aqua Velva AS

Back to back comparison to the NF and my SOC with the MWF - an easy win for the NF, I wonder how it will compare in three months time when the SOC has fully broken in. I've not used the FB for a couple of weeks, but in using it with the Swede tonight I remembered why it's my favourite razor. Took me a few days to warm full to the AV, but it hit the spot tonight. Potentially my best shave since I started
Tuesday Night:

    • - 1941 British-made Gillette NEW Imp with Tech handle
      • ... or a FrankenRazor with some parts shared by the above[/list:u]
        - Rapira Super stainless
        - 13723 horse hair Vie-Long
        - Everest shave cream by Kalina
        - Thayers' Lemon Witch Hazel
        - Freedom AS Cream by Svoboda[/list:u][/list:u]

        Ah, such lovely Russian menthol creams on a cool October night, as for to be reminding me of the gentle Siberian breezes of my childhood. Ah, those simple pleasant, peasant memories that are being filled into my rememberings:
        • Like when Cossacks were racing their ponies across the snow-covered frozen streams, as starving wolves chased them across our fields ...
            • There were barely enough Cossacks left alive and healthy enough to slaughter my father and two of my older brothers, before to be rushing back to camp for their daily wodka rations![/list:u][/list:u][/list:u]
              • Or the rabid reindeer buck, majestic in a rutting season frenzy - it's antler broken off and pinning Uncle Gregor's twitching body to a tree ...
                  • we could not free him before his corpse froze in place, and so, we snapped him apart and buried him in his seven favourite places before the end of the spring thaw that July. [/list:u][/list:u][/list:u]

                    Ah, such happy, carefree days - we shall never see their likes again, Tovarisch.
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