Shave of the Day. W/C Saturday 14th Aug 2010

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Merkur HD
Red Personna
Boots witch Hazel
Brut AS

Another good shave today, still a few rough patches on the neck which I stupidly went for today, que red irritated neck! But lesson learnt and I know what I did wrong. Change in razor was an excellent move for some reason the EJ DE89L mustn't of suited me and the red personna has made a huge difference!

Now to look for a new brush!
Have a good day.

Cobra Classic
Feather Pro Blade
New Forest 2201
Old Spice Whitewater a/s

Handy Hint: Don't try to shave with a Cobra Classic when you are running late. The slice on my chin confirms that this is a bad idea.

Tuesday morning
Pre: Hot shower
Razor: E G Gustavsson
Brush Chris 24 mm finest two band
Soap: Nannys Citrus Zinger
Post: Proraso
AS: Old Spice Fresh Lime, Shulton mix
Strop: Neil Miller linnen/buffallo 30/50
Result: Very clean and nice shave

This rather small, near wedge, shaves like a champ, usually I don´t like them to small (sturdy fingers and all), but I love this blade and how she shaves.

Proraso white pre/post
Fido 2201 + MWF
EJ mastiff + red IP (2)
Thayers with Lemon
ESPA moisturiser

A good result overall.

Mühle R89
Israeli (3)
Pure Badger
BlueBeards Revenge cream
Coral Skin Food (pre and post)

A DFS. Infact today and yesterday I was only going to do a 2 pass shave, the lather from the blue beards revenge cream felt so good and volumnous (is that a word) I had to continue.
Good morning,

GFT Coral skin food, pre, in between passes and post shave.
Nanny's eucalyptus shaving soap.
Feather and Futur
Omega 81230 pure bristle brush
Gibellini Ice AS splash

The combination of the silly soap, Feather, Futur and Omega brush is a winner for me. I don't foresee any deviation from that combo in the near future.

Smell The Glove said:
GFT Coral skin food, pre, in between passes and post shave.
Nanny's eucalyptus shaving soap.

Did you notice much difference using this between each pass using the skin food. I notice you usual or have also used proraso pre shave, any preference over the 2?
NatJag said:
Smell The Glove said:
GFT Coral skin food, pre, in between passes and post shave.
Nanny's eucalyptus shaving soap.

Did you notice much difference using this between each pass using the skin food. I notice you usual or have also used proraso pre shave, any preference over the 2?

Hi Natjag,

I have about 1cm left at the bottom of my bottle and am just using it up. I have had it for over 2 years!

It does make your face a little more slippy and makes for a slightly slicker shave, but to be honest it's a bit of a waste of this expensive product. The Proraso does a better job of preparing my face when applied well in advance. And I think that the Proraso is a better post shave product.

The skin food was a gift and I am glad to have had the opportunity to use it, however I wont be replacing this bottle if i ever actually finish it.
Tuesday, 08-17-2010.

Soap from Marsella - Rooney 1/3 Silvertip - Gillette Red Tip - 7 O'clock Permasharp Stainless #2 - Pre Proraso - Sir Irisch Moos shaving stick- Alum block - Toner Thayers Original - ASL Sir Irisch Moos + ASB Institut Karité.


Gillette "Old" Type
Gillette Platinum (2)
Kent VS30
Palmolive SS
Wilkos ASB
Kouros AS

This how a open comb is supposed to shave, the old type and plat combined for a wonderful DFS shave, I nicked myself when shaving with the old spice razor a few days ago and had to be careful with above my top lip, otherwise the rest of my face is BBS.


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