Shave of the Day. W/C Saturday 11th September 2010

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Razor: Edwin Jagger DE87
Blade: Feather
Brush: Simpson Tulip 2 (two-band) Super
Soap: D R Harris Almond
A/S: D R Harris Pink
EDT: Penhaligon's The Hammam Bouquet

Hey ho, nothing to report.
Razor: Rolls Razor Imperial 2
Brush: Simpsons Case
Cream: OLD Progress Vulfix Sandalwood
AS: Superior 70 Bayrum


What a nice way to end a day with an early morning shave.

Wring knot. 2min. 6 pass. Rework 1-2 pass. Dry and thinned on 4th-wasn't enough lather for neck and reworked.

As for Superior it's very much like Menthol counterpart sans the cooling effects. Boy that stings! Not too lasting but just right.

OLD Progress Vulfix Sandalwood is as intoxicating as I remember and cream in jar hasn't dried to date.

Hot towel
Hand applied light covering of thin lather as a pre-shave
Acca Kappa 1869 cream
New Forest 2201 brush
Merkur Futur
Feather blade
Acca Kappa 1869 after shave gel
Acca Kappa 1869 cologne

Third day with the Feather. Still manages to do in two passes what usually takes three with a lesser blade, but at the cost of a couple of small divots from my chin and under my nose. Life's too short to shave with any degree of uncertainty, so it will be a new blade tomorrow. I'm still completely sold on Acca Kappa, though.


Dermot O'Logical said:
Third day with the Feather. Still manages to do in two passes what usually takes three with a lesser blade, but at the cost of a couple of small divots from my chin and under my nose. Life's too short to shave with any degree of uncertainty, so it will be a new blade tomorrow.

I find with Feather blades that anything other than 'with the grain' for the first few days leaves my face a little rough. After 3 / 4 days they are about as sharp as 'normal' blades and can be treated as such.
Wednesday, 09-15-10.

Soap from Alepo - Rooney 1/2 silvertip - Gillette Rocket HD500 - Shark #2 - Mitchell's Wool Fat - Alum block - Toner Thayers Original - ASL Royal Copenhagen + ASB T&H.

Tuesday night:

L-type Injector
Kent H8
Taylors Almond cream
Old Spice

Result - crap shave.

Halfway through the first pass I realised something wasn't right. Kept going anyway. Then realised the blade wasn't sitting right. Done my best to fix it. Looked ok. Continued. Still pretty crappy.

That's the first crappy shave I've had in ages, and I still reckon the end result was better than my pre B&B days. I think I'll ditch the injector blade, it was just out the pack, and stick in a new one next time. Even if it wasn't the blades fault, I still don't trust it.

Oh well, 40th birthday party to attend tonight so not long until I try to rectify the situation.
Wednesday 15th September

Mama Bear Spellbound Woods
Gillette HD500 Rocket
Astra Superior Platinum (2)
Aqua Velva AS

At home today with a case of "Gabonese gut", felt a bit dodgy since I came back, thought it might be one of the side effects of the antimalarial drugs but now I'm not sure.
Shave was fine, I like the scent of the MBs but still not able to get the best lather out of it, think I'm more of a cream man than soap. Still impressed by the razor. AV as good as always.
EJDE89L + Super Platinum (3)
BJ silvertip + Body Shop original
Taylors Sandalwood a/s

BS cream knocks the spots off every Taylors, Tumpers or DR Harris cream I've tried. It's probably my favourite cream. The faint banana/soapy scent that's left after the shave compliments Sandalwood nicely as well :)

iKon Bulldog deluxe High Polish
Tesco Blade
Simpsons B6
GFT Coral skin food

Shaves are getting even better as I get used to the weight of the razor.

Hot Towel, Proraso
Nanny's Citrus Zinger, NF2201
Super speed / 7 o'clock yellow (4)
Alum proraso
Trumpers skin food.

Nice shave, definitely getting a rhythm and speeding up as i become more confident. Nice shave few small patches but nothing major.
Changed the blade ready for the next shave. felt 4 shaves with this one was enough. Have an Astra keramic lined up or the next one to try something new.
joe mcclaine said:
Dermot O'Logical said:
Third day with the Feather. Still manages to do in two passes what usually takes three with a lesser blade, but at the cost of a couple of small divots from my chin and under my nose. Life's too short to shave with any degree of uncertainty, so it will be a new blade tomorrow.

I find with Feather blades that anything other than 'with the grain' for the first few days leaves my face a little rough. After 3 / 4 days they are about as sharp as 'normal' blades and can be treated as such.

That's an interesting observation. As I said, this is my first experience with a Feather blade, so it may be that I need to use them differently. I'll try again, and see what happens on day 4.

Thanks and regards

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