Shave of the Day. W/C Saturday 11th September 2010

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Thanks all. That was the 1st night at home with both Mrs Tony and the little one - and it seemed to go ok! :lol:

As the morning feed was going on, i stole away for my ablutions...


Gillette Platinum (2)
EJ Med Silvertip
Trumper Coconut cream
Brut Aquatonic AS
Nivea ASB.

I may have been in a bit of a rush this morning (for obvious reasons) and i probably went a bit too hard :lol: No real dramas though, just a touch sore!

sotd - 14/09/2010 by Owen, on Flickr

over5feet may recognise some of his gear on this, thanks over5feet :)

Shave went well. I have been trying to get to grips with a Dragons Tongue Hone from Wales,
think I have it now.

The soap is Penhaligons Blenheim Bouquet, got a great lather from it.
Tuesday morning

Hot shower
Proraso pre shave cream
MB Dublin Tweed
New Forest 2201
39C Slant
Gillette Nacet Platinium (4)
Osma Alum
Boots Bay Rum

I had a day and a half's growth, and the Slant always works well in such circumstances, it was the first time with the GNP (albeit it on it's final shave) and it didn't fail to disappoint. The Slant always impresses in the closeness of it's shave. The Bay Rum felt very nice, but there was no 'zing' as I was expecting, it contains alcohol, but "Denatur." which I assume to be denatured alcohol of which Wikipedia says "Denaturing alcohol does not chemically alter the ethanol molecule. Rather, the ethanol is mixed with other chemicals to form an undrinkable mixture." - So thats out then! :lol:

AJP said:
As the morning feed was going on, i stole away for my ablutions...

She'll soon wise up to that!

Congratulations :D
Tuesday Afternoon:
  • Tuesday Afternoon:[/list:u]

        • - Merkur 42c
          - Lion Stainless Steel
          - New FFidoorest Urban Ninja
          - Mama Bear's Caribbean glycerin
          - Thayers' Rose Witch Hazel
          - Gül Suyu Rose Water
          - Old Spice Whitewater[/list:u][/list:u][/list:u]
            • Bee-you-tea-full![/list:u][/list:u]

              This 42c is rapidly becoming a fave machine of mine. The "Cuba Libre" scent of Caribbean combined with the Rose WH & -water is very evocative of kicking back on a shaded beach watchig the waves on a lusciously lazy day. The Whitewater, does not seem to detract much from that, either.
Tuesday 0630

Gillette blue tip (B1)
7 O'clock Yellow (2)
Nanny's Citrus Zinger
Witch Hazel
Nivea ASB
Czech & Speake Paradisi Cologne- Citrus

Blue tip is much lighter than I remembered; its been some time since I drove it around the block. 7 o'clock still a much favored blade. Wanted a fresh scrubbed feeling going into new hire job interviews; I have 2 open positions and 7 applicants. C&Z sample pack (9) arrived in yesterday's mail --- Oh dear, where to start. This isn't one of those "Smells like all the others" colognes. A more mature, comfortable scent for me. I like it. Nanny's CZ fell right into the line up. BLUF = "All in our places, with bright shining faces, good morning to you" attitude after a BBS shave. Enjoy your day gentlemen.
Tuesday, 09-14-10.

Soap from Alepo - Rooney 1/3 silvertip - Gillette Rocket HD500 - Shark #1 - Lavanda shaving cream - Alum block - Toner Thayers Original - ASL Physical + ASB T&H.

Tuesday 14th September

Semogue 830
Omega shaving cream
Gillette HD500 Rocket
Astra Superior Platinum (1)
Proraso AS

First try with both the Omega cream and Gillette HD Rocket. As others have said the cream is pretty much indistinguishable from Proraso and as such is very good. Picked the razor up off ebay a week ago and I'm glad I did, very smooth comfortable shave after 3 passes, can see this combo being a regular choice.

Merkur 38C
Gillette Platinum (3)
Culmak Viscount
Palmolive SS

A rather superb shave with the Merk/Plat, a nice DFS, shame its pi$$ing down.



5/8 J Gleave & Son Hollow Ground
Cella soap
Simpsons Commodore X1
Boots Distilled Witch Hazel
L'Oreal Men Expert 24hr Hydrating AS Balm
Pinaud Clubman Virgin Island Bay Rum

(My face seems to have become totally accustomed to straight shaving - I notice that going back to my DEs like I did yesterday results in a red neck and some small raw patches on my face, no matter how lightly I shave. I'll need to start using DEs more again to re-condition the feeble chops!) :D

Pre - hot shower and coral skin food
Razor - gillette sensor 3
Brush - semogue 830
Soap - MB Brute
AS - Brut

Going to be going back to the sensor excel need week as the usual irritation is creeping back and a little worse than last week other than that I'm impressed with MB and the brute from johnnyO so I'm smelling all Brut now.
Wednesday morning
Pre: Hot Shower
Razor: John Wigfall & co "Bona Fida"
Brush: Custom turned Chrish 24 mm finest two band
Soap: Cella
AS: Dr Harris Sandalwood
Strop: Neil Miller linen/buffallo 30/50
Result: Mr Clean :)
Very clean, but I did have to do two passes + two touch ups (in the same area). I need a day off, too tired. Same yesterday: fantastic razor, but had to work hard and overly much to get there. Razor is a Sheffield 3/4 grind with a french point and very heavy (and lovely smoky horns scales). A strange but nice duck and ultra smooth/sharp thanks to Mr Neil Miller - I hit a hair on the edge, to try it, and the hair split like nothing :D

Feather AS-D1 Razor (for the last time)
New Forest 2201
Ogallala Bay Rum+Limes+Peppercorns a/s

Trumper's Bay Rum edc

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