Saturday 31st October to Friday 6th November 2020.

Mon 2nd SE SOTD
Cream Saponificio Bignoli BlackBerry & Moss
Brush Yaqi 24mm Purple Mink
Razor GEM Push Button
Blade GEM Stainless 6th
Post & Aftershave
Ice Water + Special Thayers Mix
Hyaluronic + Aqua Velva Musk
Really nice lather from the cream. Creamy, slick and pleasant scent.
Shave with razor paired with blade was not that good today especially atg. It was skipping. Barely able to remove much stubbles after 3passes so did not push it. Satisfied with an issue free SAS. Time to replace the blade I suppose. Excellent post and aftershaves. Rating 8.5/10


Great description, will order some DVH...
Date:- 02 November 2020

Pre-shave:- Cold Water straight from the tap
Bowl/Scuttle:- Captain's Choice
Brush:- RazoRock Plissoft Bruce Synth. 24/57mm knot
Soap/Cream:- Stirling ~ Pumpkin Spice
Razor/Blade:- Karve CB Brass 'SB-C' / Vintage Gillette US Spoiler #6
Post/After-shave:- T.N. Dickinson Witch Hazel Astringent mixed into the 240ml bottle with Invite E High Potency Pure Oil (30 drops), Natural Plant Glycerin (20) & Tea Tree Oil Antiseptic (5)
Pre: Whickams pre shave soap face wash
Brush: SBB 26mm Silvertip - Cocobolo
Soap: Palmolive stick / Maca Root Superlather
Razor: Focus R48 Dynamic
Blade: 1/2 Personna Med Prep (1)
Post shave: Cold water splash, L'oreal Ice Impact
Balm: Bart's Balm Bergamot and Vanilla Balm & Lotion
Aftershave: Old Spice Original

Well that was definitely different!
I had watched a few videos on how to use the Focus SE as a lot of Ops have had issues with it, i was not expecting much from it.
I noticed every Vid had the Op covered in a very heavy thick lather and the razor seemed to struggle to get through the lather, leaving patchy streaks and putting lather back on the face when using short strokes.
1. Ensure lather is thinner and a little wetter than my normal lather.
There also seems to be an issue on how to best use the razor, the manufacturer advises to use pressure to the back of the head to allow the razor to tilt to the angle of your skin, seems fair enough. Apparently the incorrect way is to ride the Safety bar.
2. Try different things to best suit me.
Leaving a little a extra water in the brush the SBB 26mm produced a nice loose face lather, l did not work it into the face as much and just ensured i had a covering for the 1st pass.
After a little bit experimentation with pressure to the back of the razor i found that long steady strokes worked best, the razor was clearing stubble easily, however, there is no blade feel whatsoever, i also rinsed after every stroke. Around my chin and under the nose i found the best method was to ride the safety bar and use short strokes. No issues and the rinse water and removed soap was telling me everything was working.
This is a very mild razor and i can see Ops with a strong beard struggling with it.
I completed a full XTG pass and ATG pass using similar technique and ended up wth a DFS+ finish. I had enough Lather in the brush and my skin was still comfortable so i went for a 4th "buffing" fingertip search and destroy pass (i have never completed a 4th pass - ever). I finished with a very comfortable BBS finish.
I am pleasantly surprised at the results it has given considering its my 1st use, i am super smooth and my skin feels soft and comfortable.
I hope that with more use and familiarity i can get a better result.
Stay safe and enjoy your day All.
Last edited:
2 November

PAA Solstice
PAA Peregrino synthetic
MÜHLE R41 and Ikon handle
Gillette Silver Blue
Bart's Balm Grapefruit and Pink Pepper

An unusual before dinner two pass shave with the R41. A super smooth face was the result. The PAA soaps that I have used are excellent, and this PAA brush whips them up a treat.