Acquisitions 3rd to 9th June

Dr Dulcamara said:
Sheeesh, sure its all greek. Martin, where are you? Come here. This brush is almost Solanum Dulcamara Flower Power!!! It is Great! I think one like this would be a nice addition to your arsenal!

Hey good Dr here's some more funky flower power brushes for you







Just pick one out know you want to :angel:
John said:
I predict that Martin will come here soon, attracted by my crazyness. Oh yeah!!!!

John, you're a provocateur, guy! Now will be a post series with Martin's slang and onomatopoeic words. Those things I can not always understand. Google translator does not help much more with Martin's posts.

Hi Good Dr, I'm Glad you like the girls hair brush (made by Kent) I was wondering if you would comment on the funky shade of purple,Martin will start using words to tie up google translator,

John, be careful about encouraging someone who's so...'enthusiastic' about anything, especially shaving crap. Yeah, especially about that stuff .

Well Good Doctor, I can't say you're crazy because there's usually some kinda reason behind what you might say or do. That's how you become a successful snake oil salesman, as you certainly know. Heh, you wanna talk crazy, I have a good example below.

Yeah, Mikey sent me this article recently, asking me what I thought, It's about a train going through part of his city in Svenskalaaand as one of the stops along the line. The saucy conductors decided to wear what they really wanted to at work, with the results being sorta amusing. Mikey wanted to know if I thought the 'uniform' was attractive. Now THAT is being crazy!

I know almost all Swedish guys are bi sexual, and some are even tri sexual (includes some domesticated farm animals), but this was flat out kinky!

Man, I gotta get a better way of blocking that guy's messages.

Here you go guys......enjoy:

Oh yeah, do I need to mention this 'uniform' is always worn Commando Style (look that one up Good Doctor)? Yeah, I didn't think so.
'uniform' is always worn Commando Style (look that one up Good Doctor)? Yeah, I didn't think so.

That means no underwear Good Dr ( A wasp could sting his man bits)
Dr Dulcamara said:
Oh man, what is that? Skirts? Oh no!
Martin, please buy a Solanum Dulcamara Flower Power Brush if you yet preserve your hair, but do not wear skirts, my friend. Please, that never!

What is wrong with wearing a skirt, Dr? As a Scotsman, a kilt is part of our national dress, and I wouldn't mock a person wearing one too much because also part of our national dress is a Skean Dhu, which is a wee knife tucked into the right sock! :icon_razz:
It is also traditional for the wearer of a kilt to go commando, Martin.

Sm304 said:
Dr Dulcamara said:
Oh man, what is that? Skirts? Oh no!
Martin, please buy a Solanum Dulcamara Flower Power Brush if you yet preserve your hair, but do not wear skirts, my friend. Please, that never!

What is wrong with wearing a skirt, Dr? As a Scotsman, a kilt is part of our national dress, and I wouldn't mock a person wearing one too much because also part of our national dress is a Skean Dhu, which is a wee knife tucked into the right sock! :icon_razz:
It is also traditional for the wearer of a kilt to go commando, Martin.


Oh, forgive me my friend. I've been a fool and I've fallen into the trap of Martin.
I did not at any time make fun of your Scottish costume.
It was only by the suspicious context written from Martin. I apologize for the misunderstanding.

dodgy said:
I especially like this pose.......

Martin, you're buying all the lottery numbers.
Dr Dulcamara said:
What is wrong with wearing a skirt, Dr? As a Scotsman, a kilt is part of our national dress, and I wouldn't mock a person wearing one too much because also part of our national dress is a Skean Dhu, which is a wee knife tucked into the right sock! :icon_razz:
It is also traditional for the wearer of a kilt to go commando, Martin.


Oh, forgive me my friend. I've been a fool and I've fallen into the trap of Martin.
I did not at any time make fun of your Scottish costume.
It was only by the suspicious context written from Martin. I apologize for the misunderstanding.


See now, the google translator is about useless here when it comes to showing sarcasm and generally bantering each other about the head and shoulders. Certainly would be easier seeing the expressions other posters are making as they type.

I may be wrong, but Scott may have asked you a question he already knew the answer to. He know's what's wrong with a guy wearing a skirt just as well as the rest of us do. He was just having a little fun with you.

That means you can do the same to him any time!!!! Yes, you are one of the gang now!!! Heh, sorry......that last bit of advice may not be the best, but the other part is good.

Oops, I just saw what Scott has typed.
Dr Dulcamara said:
Yeah, the Catalans are rude people, as the Scots. But with a big heart.

Glasgow Kiss time? (Thats a head butt)see Im doing my bit for international relations
I'm working on behalf of the UN nowadays as a translator, some of these meetings at the UN get quiet heated my job is to tell the meaning of the insults, just yesterday the Japanese called the french a knob'er ( thats the last time I chat with the japanese over dinner, stealing my vocabulary)
Well, all this chitchat about skirts, Scottish, French, Catalan, hidden knives and other nonsense does not matter.
Here the only thing that was important was to know if Martin keeps some hair on his head in order to use a brush, but he has diverted the issue for not answering, ha ha ha. Martin, I am now a member of the band! ha ha!
dodgy said:
Oops, I just saw what Scott has typed.

I wouldn't worry about me, Martin, I haven't worn a kilt since I was best man at my friends wedding, that was 2003 (the same day the Columbia didn't make it home), and then it was a hire. Hired kilts come with plastic knives! I prefer to wear a suit these days. :)
Dr Dulcamara said:
Well, all this chitchat about skirts, Scottish, French, Catalan, hidden knives and other nonsense does not matter.
Here the only thing that was important was to know if Martin keeps some hair on his head in order to use a brush, but he has diverted the issue for not answering, ha ha ha. Martin, I am now a member of the band! ha ha!

devious person is our martin see how he deviated. The question....IS MARTIN A BOMB HEAD?
A proper kilt is about 8 yards of material, it is bloody hot to wear one. The open bottom is just to let the balll seat drip out.

These metrosexual kilts you see here are gils skirts designed by a wassack and who ever decided a kilt could be plain coloured is also a planph. The Tartan is so you don't notice your dinner when you spill it ad so the bup when you see a babe is not so noticeable.

I am not allowed to wear a kilt, I have some US heritage and look like a pleb with my chicken legs hanging out he bottom. I have great legs (for a woman).
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