SOTD : Saturday 20 August - Friday 26 August 2022.

my first vintage razors were Valet, numerous available on the net and I liked the idea of stropping a blade, remember my Dad doing this with his Rolls razor.
Original blades not now being available I first tried Feather FHS10 as the recommended option, although these don’t work with VB2 and VC2 (mid 20s to mid 30s). I found the shave grim with this blade to say the least. So moved on with a GEM, suitably fettled. For me these are as good as it gets, smooth, no tugging, bliss!
So, today for no other reason that I thought I needed to bottom out the Feather blade question, I decided to compare my VC4 (40s to early 50s) with the Feather blade and my VB1 (20s to early 30s) with the GEM.
Taylor Sandlewood soap with boar bristle gave a great lather as always, sad to say after a few short passes with the VC4 and not wishing further damage to my face I switched to the VB1 and finished with a couple of passes and no drama.
Can anyone say why the Feather and GEM blades can perform so differently? I really don’t think it’s the razor, although to be fair I would need to fit a GEM in the VC4 to be really sure. This would require either flattening the stubs in the VC4 razor closure or somehow drilling holes in the GEM first. I’m inclined to flatten the stubs.View attachment 92260
I have the VC1,2&4 models, didn’t bother getting the VC3. I don’t recommend grinding the nubs of as that in my opinion would ruin the razor. The Feather is the only razor that fits the razor unless you can find nos Valet stroppable blades. I find the Feathers ok and get five shaves out of them, I also use the GEM coated blades in the Eveready 1912 and Jewel model both shimmed which I also get five shaves from before binning.
22 August

Wickham 1912 Cashmere
Yaqi Heavy Metal
Feather AS-D1
Feather Hi-Stainless
Bart’s Balm Ben Kilbreck

Definitely not as close a shave as yesterday’s, but pleasingly close in the direction of travel of my two passes. An excellent lather and a close enough shave.
Monday August 22, 2022
Razor: Gillette Executive
Blade: Wizamet
Brush: Trotter Coral Oscuro/Tuxedo
Soap: Signature Soaps Hibernia
AS 1: Humphrey's Alcoholado Maravilla 70
AS 2: Clubman Citrus Musk
Consecutive Daily Shaves - # 1,385

I always hated the "What's you're desert island razor" posts....I like variety. I found myself thinking though and I would have to say if their was a Law you couldhave but one razor........this would be it for me. Have a great day Folks and as far as the beginning of another work week as Tim (Milkcrate) would say, "Let's kick this pig" !
Prep: Face wash with Simple face wash
Pre: None
Razor: Rockwell 6S (6)
Blade: Gillette 7 o’clock yellow (2)
Brush: Alpha Outlaw
S Soap: Elysian - Grapefruit Mousse
Post: Elysian - Grapefruit Mousse Aftershave Splash

A great close & comfortable shave. I don't think I'm going to change hardware in a while as I find the shaves close to perfect. May experiment with other blades due to boredom and in the future planning to reknot the Alpha with a recently acquired APC co knot.
Choice of software delivered great results. Would prefer the soap tin on a bigger side for ease of loading but performance wise absolutely no complaints.

Wishing everyone a great week!


As I have 'finished' each DE blade, I've been rotating in a SE razor for a day. The Schick M2 is most likely to pop up more often than the others, as I like it more than others, probably my fave SE.

I've not had this soap with the original splash for a while either. Droid / Floid Black. Really like the soap and the scent.

I think the blade will need a change before it's next use which puts it at about 12 shaves for this particular Schick blade.


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Monday AM 2022-08-22
The C-Clamp was patented on this date in 1927 by Harry V. Holman

Rooney Polo 1 Faux Ivory Finest (24/54)
Penhaligon's Blenheim Bouquet shaving soap (tallow)
Paradigm Diamondback 2020
Wilkinson London Bridge (8)
Ginger's Garden Ginger Blossom aftershave
Soap - Signature Wicstun
Brush - Omega boar
Blade- Treet Platinum
Razor- Rockwell 6s R4
Home based , operation on Thursday - told that i must self isolate. Am contemplating the last things, death, decay and tax . Happier though after a fantabulos shave withe the above kit. BBS . Dont deserve this good a shave. Thinking of growing a erm beard.
Monday 22nd August


Ganders Goat Soap w/Hop, Sage & Birch
WIckham 1912 Union Square Shaving Soap & DSC Professional w/Synbad Synthetic 26mm
Gillette Hybrid Tech w/Weber Stainless Handle & Permasharp (Vintage) Super Stainless
Brut Splash-On

Grand stuff, that Wickham's ...

Some time ago, I read a snippet about Wickham's 1912 ... that Darron had happened upon a vintage shaving soap recipe based on avocado oil. Thinking that must be made up and simply part of the mystique, I dimissed it. I mean, avocado oil? Vintage? Nah! That was until I happend to buy a vintage shaving bowl from Coty which was labelled as Avocado shaving soap. Lo and behold! Avocado oil as one of the fats. I think that soap goes back the the 1950s, if not prior. Having used the Coty many times, every time puts me in mind of Wickham's 1912 ... and its not just my brain filling in the blank. Using Wickham's 1912 tonight, it put me very much in mind of the Coty, so the assciation is now both ways.

Grand stuff, indeed!

Loving this Scottish Permasharp and wil probably do a fourth shave tomorrow as it genuinely feels like shave one still. Very enjoyable, particularly in my personally weighted Gillette Hybrid Tech on the Weber handle.

Smashing shave, that!
Home based , operation on Thursday - told that i must self isolate. Am contemplating the last things, death, decay and tax . Happier though after a fantabulos shave withe the above kit. BBS . Dont deserve this good a shave. Thinking of growing a erm beard.

I've come to enjoy the little things. I hope things are okay and hope the operation goes well.
I've not posted my past few shaves. Losing the enthusiasm for SOTD pics currently. Perhaps it will return.

I know that feeling ...

Think around it. Maybe post a haiku each day instead? I've taken to setting up a kit selection or theme for the week and so if laziness takes hold, I can just re-post the day before and spin it a little with some thoughts.
Soap - Signature Wicstun
Brush - Omega boar
Blade- Treet Platinum
Razor- Rockwell 6s R4
Home based , operation on Thursday - told that i must self isolate. Am contemplating the last things, death, decay and tax . Happier though after a fantabulos shave withe the above kit. BBS . Dont deserve this good a shave. Thinking of growing a erm beard.

Wish you all the very best with your operation.

Of course you deserve a shave as good as you got. A far better option than growing a beard and keeps your mind away from the darker thoughts.

Be well all the time

Razor: Stando Brass Rod
Blade: Schick Proline (9)
Brush: Oumo Lotus Manchurian
Soap: Stirling Campania

I've not posted my past few shaves. Losing the enthusiasm for SOTD pics currently. Perhaps it will return.

I am sure it will return.

I don't feel compelled to post every single shave. Some take me a number of days to complete for a starter. I start writing one up, get detracted, dream up some other shit, do some other shit and before I know it it's a few days old. All more SOSDOA. Shave Of Some Day Or Another.

But still love this place and the folk who frequent it. Including you Mr Boycie
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