SOTD Saturday August 6th-Friday August 12th 2016

11th August 2016.
View attachment 20143
Shaving recipe for today.
  • warm shower./ Imperial Leather Peppermint & Eucalyptus shower gel. / warm wet flannel to my face.
  • Razor: Parker 99R.
  • Blade:Gillette 7o'Clock SharpEdge. (new)
  • Brush: Semogue 1470.
  • Soap: Wilkinson sword shave bowl. + 4 drops of glycerin in mixing bowl.
  • Warm wet flannel/ cold wet flannel to rinse my face.
  • Witch Hazel./Nivea men Creme.
  • Post :Lucky Tiger Aftershave & Face

  • Today i decided to use the Wilkinson Sword shave bowl again,.i've learn't a valuable lesson today and that is my Semogue is the brush of choice when i'm using my wilkinson sword shave bowl, i've only used my Parker 99R a dozen times or so since i bought her,.all my DE razors are ladies which i treat with respect, if i don't, they will give me a nasty bite. !:D..anyway the combo of the Parker 99R & the new russian 7o'Clock sharp edge blade gave me, the best ultra smooth no irritation shave that i've had since i've started DE shaving..on a scale of 1 to 10 my shave's are normally between 7-9 but today it was 10+:).maybe it was new blade, or i'm finally receiving the best technique of what i'm applying when i'm shaving..wonderful shave, Russian blades are superb";).have a great day.:cool:
Well done on you're 10+ shave, happy day's!
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SOTD Thursday 11th August 2016 good morning shaving room.
Shave kit today...Kent bk12, ATT R2, OSP spice road, thayers witch hazel.
Normal morning routine, fully hydrated, three pass W,X,and Against the grain leaving me as well shaved as usual, splash of witch hazel and Good to go.
Wishing you a pleasant Thursday, over and out.
That's an outstanding image, and a beautiful brush.
After this morning's shave it was blade change time, which also means razor cleaning time...

  • Usual Glyce soap wash
  • Proraso White pre-shave
  • TOBS Sensitive cream
  • Warm Coal Tar soap wash
  • Cold water rinse + alum
  • Pinaud Clubman AS
  • GFT Lime Skin Food
And then removal of the Voskhod blade after 3 uses, rinse of the individual razor parts under warm water, then reattachment of the razor (loose)...and a good swirl around in a jar of surgical spirit. Razor then left to air dry (which it does very quickly because of the alcohol) voila: A nice clean and disinfected razor ready for the new blade.

Note...the blade in the piccy is behind the jar, not in it!
After this morning's shave it was blade change time, which also means razor cleaning time...

  • Usual Glyce soap wash
  • Proraso White pre-shave
  • TOBS Sensitive cream
  • Warm Coal Tar soap wash
  • Cold water rinse + alum
  • Pinaud Clubman AS
  • GFT Lime Skin Food
And then removal of the Voskhod blade after 3 uses, rinse of the individual razor parts under warm water, then reattachment of the razor (loose)...and a good swirl around in a jar of surgical spirit. Razor then left to air dry (which it does very quickly because of the alcohol) voila: A nice clean and disinfected razor ready for the new blade.
View attachment 20146

Note...the blade in the piccy is behind the jar, not in it!
Masterfully done, Sir.
SOTD 20160811


Brush: Custom with Vie-Long horse hair knot.
Shaving bowl: Epsilon.
Shaving cream: La Toja.
Razor: iKon X3 with custom handle.
Blade: 7 O'Clock Super Platinum (7).
After shave: Floid Black.

Again a DFS++

Have a nice day, gentlemen ! ;)
SOTD August 11, 2016

Pre: Noxema Classic
Razor: Genco Gold Seal
Brush: Simpsons Special
Soap: B&M Unscented
Post: Witch Hazel / coconut oil

Great shave this morning. I am getting wonderful shaves with my Genco Gold Seal SR. I used Noxema Classic as my preshave cream. First time in a long time. I find it odd that in the midst of summer I am finding my skin dry. I am stating to use coconut oil as my post-shave. Learn to go with the flow. A sign of age...
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