Shave of the Day w/c Saturday 10th April 2010

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Sunday 11-04-10.

Soap from Aleppo - Semogue 830 - 1958 TV Gillette SS Rocket - BIC #1 - Nivea like pre - Irish Moos - Alum block - Astringent Thayers Lemon - ASL Pashana + 444.


Ever Ready LC
Ted Pella D4
Semogue 830
Musgo Real Cream
Proraso AS

A really great shave.

Went to a crawfish boil last night & going to a BBQ this arvo. Lifes good!

Merkur 23c
Feather blade
Palmolive soap (stick grated into a container)
Boots Witch hazel
Pinaud Clubman Bay Rum

I don't know what the magic ingredient was today, but I had my first totally BBS shave in ages. Chuffed to bits as I wasn't even trying. :D
rapira blade(3)
vulfix 404 bodger
godrej lime
boots tea tree and witch hazel
nivea sensitive asb
aqua velva

I've had the rapira blades for a while but this is the first one I've actually got around to using ,seem quite sharp.
Got the godrej in a sample from Connaught ,smells great and loads of lather. Nice BBS.

Omega Pro 49
C. Klauberg "Damascene" 9/16 spike

Sharon's lavender soft soap
Musgo Real Classic a/s

About 1870 - 80 seems to be the date for this little razor, and it did a very good job indeed. I don't do acronyms, but I can't imagine a smoother result than tonight's. That point is seriously intimidating though, not one to use when drunk.



- First time a small area 3rd pass (ATG) in the chin, worked fine with the Futur.
- Cannot really understand how the Personna behaves (only been using Merkur Platinum so far). Initially it appears sharp, then much less aggressive, then in some difficult areas very sharp again.
- RS cream seems ok, but nothing extraordinary. Came in to assist the L'Erbolario Fern that insists giving fairly poor lather.
- Some minor irritation at lower neck; I believe the cream that assists me most in overcoming this is the Omega.
- My Muhle ceramic bowl seems small, would prefer a larger scuttle. Perhaps I can have a look around to see if I can have a custom made.
- The Weleda scent is not that nice, but the good thing is that it does not mess with the Old Spice scent.
- Debating whether I should get a short or long handle open-comb Merkur; read in the other forum that its aggressiveness compares to having the Futur set at 4.

Overall: I think I can call this my first BBS.

Have a great week, gents.

Mühle R89
Shave Shack Israeli (1)
Pure Badger Brush
GFT Coconut Cream
Gft Coral Skin Food
GFT Moisteriser

A most satisfying shave this morning. Last week I used a M3 for 1 day, I can honestly say this combination gives ME a better shave. Although it's worth noting that I had an extra days growth. DFS+. I'm not sure If I'll report my SOTD for the rest of the week as they will all be the same except for the blade (day).

Enjoy the week.

Merkur 39C Sledgehammer
Vidyut Super-Max Super Stainless (1)
Omega #49
Witch hazel
Nivea Sensitive AB
Pinaud Clubman Special Reserve AS

NICE :shave .

Have a nice and pleasant day Gents


Merkur Futur (4)
Treet Platinum (2)
Vulfix 2235 Super
Palmolive soap (ramekin)
Gillette ASB

Despite the ASB being a bit drying I do like it, I don't seem to suffer with the kind of dryness others experience from alum or alcohol based balms/splash. Not sure if the Treet platinum is going to make a 3rd shave, it seemed to blunt a bit towards the end of the shave today.

Feather (2)
No Name Badger Brush
Aqua Velva

Lather didn't seem right at first and started getting nicks on my neck 2nd pass. Stopped and cleaned up. Opened the razor took the blade out and ran it over my nail to find there must have been a few "micro nicks" in the blade. Blade in the bin, the learning process with the Futur goes on.

Veleiro Pre-shave Soap
Gada Cool Mint Shaving Cream
Semogue Silvertip Buffalo Horn 2009 #1 LE Brush
Filarmonica 12 Straight Razor
Musgo Real After Shave Balm

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