Room 101

a mate had a blow out on there a couple of weeks ago and held the traffic up. I know when I do have a problem wth my car it'll be near the Progress Road or Kent Elms junctions and during the rush hour and thousands of commuters will be swearing at me for keeping them from getting home.
The A127 really is a rubbish road, I can't believe they haven't done something o sort it out, not sure what they can do but something.

The alternative would of course be to destroy Southend, it's OK the local Council have that in hand already.......

Back to the thread, but staying in context.

Can we put old tacky past it Seaside Towns into Room 101. There are numerous candidates, it's not just Southend.
Lose the beard said:
The A127 really is a rubbish road, I can't believe they haven't done something o sort it out, not sure what they can do but something.

The alternative would of course be to destroy Southend, it's OK the local Council have that in hand already.......

Back to the thread, but staying in context.

Can we put old tacky past it Seaside Towns into Room 101. There are numerous candidates, it's not just Southend.

Southend isn't too bad. I'm from land locked Brum so I really like the fact I live 2 mins from the seafront.

always nice to walk along the seafront down to old Leigh as well and enjoy a few beers as well.

Also you get to walk down the longest pier in the world and get see, erm, nothing once you get down there
Re: RE: Room 101

Bechet45 said:
I want to put into Room 101 anyone and everyone who wants to mess with me and my life because I'm doing something differently to the way they feel/think/believe I should be doing it when all they need to do is get on with their own lives and cease taking their stress out on innocent folk around them, especially me!

When you go on the roads with the attitude that the rules don't apply to you, you shouldn't be surprised that the irritation you cause others is returned to you, surely.
Totally agree with people sitting in lanes on the motorway. Fog lights on when there's not Fog is in too, but there are so many people with daylight running lights now which look like Fogs.

The comment on spraying you windows causing them to use their wipers, funnily enough I've used that on tail gaters. I can't do that anymore as the Toyota sprays direct on to the wipers.

Can we put in people who get out of their cars at supermarkets and then walk down the middle of the road causing others to stop or have to crawl along. I want to know if its acceptable for me to walking in front of them ? I just wouldn't do it, I couldn't it's wrong !

Also can we put in people parking in disabled bays and parent and child bays when they don't qualify. Until my daughter turned five we used parent bays but I don't anymore. She is tiny enough to get away with it, heck we used a bus the other day and the driver asked how old she was and said go on she's too small to pay. Having had a mother in law and my father having Blue badges for parking I know all to well how useful disabled bays are when taking them out.
Northam Saint said:
Can we put in people who get out of their cars at supermarkets and then walk down the middle of the road causing others to stop or have to crawl along. I want to know if its acceptable for me to walking in front of them ? I just wouldn't do it, I couldn't it's wrong !

Also can we put in people parking in disabled bays and parent and child bays when they don't qualify. Until my daughter turned five we used parent bays but I don't anymore. She is tiny enough to get away with it, heck we used a bus the other day and the driver asked how old she was and said go on she's too small to pay. Having had a mother in law and my father having Blue badges for parking I know all to well how useful disabled bays are when taking them out.

Absolutely spot on.

For my Room 101 today can I please put John Terry in ? I know he has ropey things in the past but actually going and picking the trophy up last night and being in his kit - for the 2nd year on the bounce - is just plain wrong. He could have joined in afterwards but to go and pick up the trophy after his team mates have just won the match is just plain wrong.
Southend is run down. The new bits still look somehow run down. I think beyond bank holiday day trips for Londoners and a newly thriving student population there isn't much to come to Southend for (despite what Benjamin Disraeli once said about the great weather). It seems to have struggled to have an identity since people started going abroad for their holidays in the sixties and the council goes through some massive change of plan and regeneration every few years. Not much in the way of non-retail industry and the financial sector seems to be gradually pulling out. There are much worse places though and it's obviously pretty good for commuting into London.

I will stop here as I could go on and on...
The hole driving thing really angers me. Bad, dangerous driving is not policed unless the driver is caught speeding on a camera. Speeding is dangerous and no doubt exacerbates any accidents, but I would warrant that far move accidents are caused by poor driving - middle lane hogging, incorrect or no use of mirrors, driving too slowly on a motorway, being unaware of the road conditions.. the list goes on.

Moan over. Oh could I add Anne Robinson. Please. No really please. And Gary Lineker.
NotTheStig said:
Southend is run down. The new bits still look somehow run down. I think beyond bank holiday day trips for Londoners and a newly thriving student population there isn't much to come to Southend for (despite what Benjamin Disraeli once said about the great weather). It seems to have struggled to have an identity since people started going abroad for their holidays in the sixties and the council goes through some massive change of plan and regeneration every few years. Not much in the way of non-retail industry and the financial sector seems to be gradually pulling out. There are much worse places though and it's obviously pretty good for commuting into London.

I will stop here as I could go on and on...

I notice Lloyds are moving out of Essex House in the next few months.

when I came down here it was for a job in Basildon so I could have ended up there. All things being equal Southend really doesn't seem that bad :icon_razz:
Yes. I had hoped to get a job there as it's walking distance. It's said the whole building will be empty end of the year. I remember them building it when I was small.
NotTheStig said:
Yes. I had hoped to get a job there as it's walking distance. It's said the whole building will be empty end of the year. I remember them building it when I was small.

Walking distance is handy as there is nowhere to park. I usually come by train from Wickford when I have a meeting there and walk from the station as it's easier.

It's been on the cards for quite a while, I don't really understand why people are surprised.

chrisbell said:
Good call on the Blue Badges - as a user of one it's been a source of frustration for many years.

Yes, it is a right pain when you see people use them that don't need them. My wife has one and we park in them only when really necessary. I try and leave them for Disabled Drivers so I will often drop my Wife off and then go and park elsewhere.
Dr Rick said:
Bechet45 said:
I want to put into Room 101 anyone and everyone who wants to mess with me and my life because I'm doing something differently to the way they feel/think/believe I should be doing it when all they need to do is get on with their own lives and cease taking their stress out on innocent folk around them, especially me!

When you go on the roads with the attitude that the rules don't apply to you, you shouldn't be surprised that the irritation you cause others is returned to you, surely.

You seem to be in fantasy-land again.
Re: RE: Room 101

Lose the beard said:
NotTheStig said:
Yes. I had hoped to get a job there as it's walking distance. It's said the whole building will be empty end of the year. I remember them building it when I was small.

Walking distance is handy as there is nowhere to park. I usually come by train from Wickford when I have a meeting there and walk from the station as it's easier.

It's been on the cards for quite a while, I don't really understand why people are surprised.
Surprised me as I don't work for Lloyd's or have any dealings with them. My wife reads the local papers and was surprised. I just hoped my experience would transfer over.
Re: RE: Room 101

NotTheStig said:
Surprised me as I don't work for Lloyd's or have any dealings with them. My wife reads the local papers and was surprised. I just hoped my experience would transfer over.

That's fair enough. I was really referring to all the Lloyds staff and the Union who after it was announced claimed it came as a complete surprise. They've been moving all the core functions out of Southend for a couple of years now. Whereas I used to go to meetings there a lot, they are now usually in London or Brighton. I know a lot of the affected staff so it is still sad to see it go. Many Years back I worked in that building, not for Lloyds though.
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