Room 101

Saturday January 15, 2011
Norfolk, England
I've been musing for a while about the idea of having a Room 101 thread here on TSR; it might be interesting to see both what winds us up and how adept we are at arguing a case. Of course, we'd need to be strict about keeping it light-hearted and tasteful, without risking offending fellow members, but I reckon it could be done. My thought was that we could have a list of those who want to take part, and we go through that list with each person nominating one thing at a time. Once everyone had had a go, we could return to the first person on the list, and go through it again so that everyone got a chance to nominate several things over the course of the thread. I was thinking that, after each nomination, we could have a vote, not on whether we agreed with them, but whether we found their argument persuasive.

Obviously, some subjects (religion and party politics) would have to be off-limits, and we'd have to be careful about nominating people as we wouldn't want people being libellous.

Any thoughts?
NotTheStig said:
Hmm. I think if we kept it to shaving-related only we're less likely to have digressions. Hopefully.

Good point, my only thought on that is that maybe we've had threads which, collectively, cover at least some of that ground already?
I'd have a dabble. I'd probably start with Home and Away, the omnibus of which my wife is currently watching. Thankfully I have TSR to keep me occupied. I think this is one of the few nominations which requires no justification.
ChopperHarris said:
I'd have a dabble. I'd probably start with Home and Away, the omnibus of which my wife is currently watching. Thankfully I have TSR to keep me occupied. I think this is one of the few nominations which requires no justification.

LOL! Maybe an informal discussion is a better idea?

I like the thought that some things are so self-evident that justification is unnecessary - trouble is, nothing (or at least very little) is so self-evident that no-one with any sense can argue or disagree. To further your nomination, I'd argue for putting all soap operas in - they seem overblown and fantastical without the benefit of being true fantasy as they are set in very mundane circumstances.
A very good idea Chris!
I am not eloquent enough for reasoned debate via a keyboard but I would like to read from afar. Could be quite interesting.
And by the way I agree with the soaps!!!
All we have had so far is agreement, not a good start ;-)
isaiah53 said:
can i put robson greene in?

No - you really can't! I was sat in the BA lounge in Newcastle once (about the time he was really successful) and he came in with his old mum. It's a self-service lounge but, despite this, all the staff wanted to fetch stuff for him. He graciously declined and then went and sorted his mum a cup of tea himself. I then ended up behind him on the plane and we exchanged a few (civil!) words. He was thoroughly nice from start to finish - so you might not like his TV programmes, but I have to raise an objection on sticking him in wholesale.

Lenny Henry and Ben Shepherd can go though.
davidb said:
Could I please put all reality shows and their "stars" in? Especially anything to do with TOWIE!

Thank you! David

Being from Essex, as I am, is even more shameful now!

We aren't all like them in that utter shite, honest.

Now, I'm off for my vajazzle....

I would like to put Hotel Bathrooms into Room 101. Especially those found in a Holiday Inn.

They are the most badly designed bathrooms in existence. Yes they have the essential facilities, but just laid out badly. The lighting is atrocious, and the mirror seems about 3 miles from the sink.
Hotel bathroom mirrors with the long axis horizontal and the top edge below my neck level - so they cater for short and fat people but not tall ones of any kind!
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