Room 101

1.Fog lights on when there is no fog about:icon_frown:
2.The little advertisment that appears in the corner of your TV screen informing you of the next or upcoming programme whilst the current one is still on,
3.The new Radio One Breakfast Show DJ,
4.The female star of the TV Show "Revolution" who has one default expression which involves a deeply furrowed brow,I now cannot concentrate on anything else!
5.Lack of quality in everything.Virtually everything made to cheapest price point and it's all tat.
I could go on and on and on etc......
Grumpy Grunter
Bechet45 said:
In the middle of the night on an all but deserted motorway, drivers who swing out of the slow lane to overtake me in the middle lane - and I'm not slouching - and then swerve close across my bow back to the slow lane.

The road is empty, the middle lane is safest in the event of a blow-out or some such, you've seen my tail lights from miles back, not a problem.

So, bearing in mind that rules are for fools and the guidance of wise men, I'll put into Room 101 the folk who think me being in the middle lane of an empty motorway is grounds for dangerous driving.

I will quote rule 264 from the highway code :

You should always drive in the left-hand lane when the road ahead is clear. If you are overtaking a number of slower-moving vehicles, you should return to the left-hand lane as soon as you are safely past. Slow-moving or speed-restricted vehicles should always remain in the left-hand lane of the carriageway unless overtaking. You MUST NOT drive on the hard shoulder except in an emergency or if directed to do so by the police, HA traffic officers in uniform or by signs.

Lane discipline on motorways.

of course if you are going to ignore rules...
Regarding middle lane hogs I often merrily sail past them on the inside.

Occasionally I've been known to slow down and then hog the middle lane to make them overtake me and see if they then pull over.

If not, I go past them again on the inside.

Petty I know, but it causes me amusement.
Re: RE: Room 101

Bechet45 said:
the middle lane is safest in the event of a blow-out or some such

Untrue. In the middle lane you have a hard reservation one lane away and a soft verge two lanes (1 and hard shoulder) away. The converse is safer.
Dr Rick said:
Bechet45 said:
the middle lane is safest in the event of a blow-out or some such

Untrue. In the middle lane you have a hard reservation one lane away and a soft verge two lanes (1 and hard shoulder) away. The converse is safer.

You do it your way, I'll do it mine. I like a safety barrier one lane away and bridges, embankments and what-else two lanes away.
One could always move over to the first lane when headlights appear in the rear-view mirror, then back to the middle lane again after being overtaken... best of both worlds then.

I long ago stopped being bothered by what people do on the roads; it was part of my advanced driving. Apart from...

...people towing caravans on narrow Scottish or Welsh mountain roads, doing 20-25mph (tops!) and steadfastly refusing to pull in at any of the many passing places they drive past despite the half mile long queue behind them.
FoxyRick said:
One could always move over to the first lane when headlights appear in the rear-view mirror, then back to the middle lane again after being overtaken... best of both worlds then.

True and sometimes I do so for a single set of headlights, always for two or more. But let's be clear, no-one can overtake me lawfully.
Even though middle lane hoggers really get my goat, it's not so much the night time ones that annoy me but the ones who do it at all times, completely unaware (or not bothered) about their surroundings. It's too common for me to add it.

My suggestion for Room 101 is this: You are driving on a relatively busy motorway when somebody zooms past in the outside lane in a really nice Beamer/Ferrari/Audi or what not. "Wow, nice" I say to myself. Then suddenly somebody else zooms past, right up the nice car's a**e, but this person is driving a diesel Mondeo.

Although idiotic, I like good cars and I don't mind somebody showing off the power of their expensive car (in the end it is that person who will get points if caught). Just because your diesel Mondeo can also hit 100mph, it is completely against the point and just because you are thrashing your car to it's limit to keep up, it doesn't make your car as good or desirable as the Beamer/Ferrari/Audi and for that reason, you are clearly a bigger idiot and you should go into Room 101.
Bechet45 said:
But let's be clear, no-one can overtake me lawfully.

I don't believe that the code differentiates between your offence and anyone undertaking you. Should there be a police presence, given that you'd both be in the wrong I guess it's a toss up as to who they would pull over.

I'm in the camp that doesn't mind too much where someone drives, as long as they don't make me swing from inside to outside and back again to get past. Which is to say - drive where you feel most comfortable when you're on an empty stretch of road, but pay consideration to the Highway Code and, more importantly, other motorists when you aren't.

The roads in general would be nicer places if motorists showed more consideration to each other. Do as you would be done by and all that.
ChopperHarris said:
The roads in general would be nicer places if motorists showed more consideration to each other. Do as you would be done by and all that.

I couldn't agree more!

I'd like to nominate drivers who don't say thanks after I've let them through a gap or something similar. It's costs nothing for chrissakes!

If it's the summer and I've got my window down I make a point of thrusting my hand out to give them a thumbs up and bellowing THANKS as they drive past.
Tall_Paul said:
I'd like to nominate drivers who don't say thanks after I've let them through a gap or something similar. It's costs nothing for chrissakes!

If it's the summer and I've got my window down I make a point of thrusting my hand out to give them a thumbs up and bellowing THANKS as they drive past.

If you really wanna piss off the male driver offenders, you can also tell em you are a tall person! You can shout something like "Hey dummy. I am very possibly taller than you!!!"

Too diabolical and impolite for you Limey types?

Re: RE: Room 101

SuperChrome said:
Although idiotic, I like good cars and I don't mind somebody showing off the power of their expensive car (in the end it is that person who will get points if caught). Just because your diesel Mondeo can also hit 100mph, it is completely against the point and just because you are thrashing your car to it's limit to keep up, it doesn't make your car as good or desirable as the Beamer/Ferrari/Audi and for that reason, you are clearly a bigger idiot and you should go into Room 101.

I take it you don't like Mondeos.

I haven't had a Ferrari, unfortunately a bit impractical, but have owned a BMW and an Audi quite recently.
Currently I am driving a Diesel Mondeo, which delivers 173 bhp. It doesn't even break into a sweat doing 100mph, and feels much better doing it than either of my 2 previous cars.
Lots of people knock the Mondeo, I used to until I drove one, I will probably get another when its time to get a new car.
Tall_Paul said:
Regarding middle lane hogs I often merrily sail past them on the inside.

Occasionally I've been known to slow down and then hog the middle lane to make them overtake me and see if they then pull over.

If not, I go past them again on the inside.

Petty I know, but it causes me amusement.

I get the same amusement by then squirting my screen wash hoping it will go on their screen forcing them to put on their wipers.

I also wave at random drivers on country roads

Little things
I want to put into Room 101 anyone and everyone who wants to mess with me and my life because I'm doing something differently to the way they feel/think/believe I should be doing it when all they need to do is get on with their own lives and cease taking their stress out on innocent folk around them, especially me!

Were I able to do this, the roads would be much quieter, more pleasant places to drive.

Oh! and I'd Room 101 those tiny little town cars, hardly any rubber on the road at all, that burn up the fast lane at ridiculous speeds. Though I've to admit, I've not seen one in the condition that will eventually, inevitably result.
To be fair go and drive on the motorways in the USA.

you'll then realise how much nicer it is driving on them over here and how considerate and unselfish British drivers actually are.

As for cars driving up your arse - nice 4 car shunt on the A127 going in to Southend last night - again.
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