Room 101

Inconsiderate neighbours that, even after constantly asking for them to not park across your drive way, regularly block it, or your view up the road to oncoming traffic, with their works lorry.
The scrote who works in Boots who nearly knocked my 3 year old down, driving straight across the pavement (which she was merrily trotting down) whilst on the phone coming out of a tall-fenced private driveway.

He has been publicly chastised in the shop, but I still don't feel he's received appropriate punishment.
ChopperHarris said:
soapalchemist said:
I can't believe no-one's mentioned spiders yet......:icon_rolleyes:

Got to issue a challenge - without spiders there would be more flies. I can only accept a joint arachnid / diptera banishment!

That's what HWMOM say's (ish) when he transfers the spiders to the garden (from the house).......problem is they have some kindof magnetic homing instinct going on. So next day, they're right back where they started. I think green fly are in HWMOM's mind.
As for big in your face flies; I've been where big bluebottle type flies dive bomb you in the face on a regular basis, in between generally buzzing around in an attempt to drive you totally insane. I could live with that a thousand times over rather than have spiders flying around.
Do it to HWMOMulia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nishy said:
Planning permission and councils

Challenge: agree they are a pain in the anus but without them I'd be living in a darkened house that never saw the sun, overlooked by a tall block extension probably occupied by gangs of DS&RR loving students.

Worse - an eight story factory block when only five were authorised.
Bechet45 said:
Nishy said:
Planning permission and councils

Challenge: agree they are a pain in the anus but without them I'd be living in a darkened house that never saw the sun, overlooked by a tall block extension probably occupied by gangs of DS&RR loving students.

Worse - an eight story factory block when only five were authorised.

Quite right. A bit also like traffic wardens, there would be no where to park as people would park there all day. Whilst some could do with brain training they do a job.
Bechet45 said:
Nishy said:
Planning permission and councils

Challenge: agree they are a pain in the anus but without them I'd be living in a darkened house that never saw the sun, overlooked by a tall block extension probably occupied by gangs of DS&RR loving students.

Worse - an eight story factory block when only five were authorised.

Bechet agreed however I have a personal vendetta! Had a doctors surgery next to the pharmacy they applied for pp to extend we're rejected (backing onto flats behind) and moved thus lost a fair deal of business. A short while later council built flats, which surprise surprise were the same dimensions as the doctors proposal (overlooking flats behind) they couldn't sell these at the prices offered so have now become 3 council flats. Brilliant
Nishy said:
Bechet45 said:
Nishy said:
Planning permission and councils

Challenge: agree they are a pain in the anus but without them I'd be living in a darkened house that never saw the sun, overlooked by a tall block extension probably occupied by gangs of DS&RR loving students.

Worse - an eight story factory block when only five were authorised.

Bechet agreed however I have a personal vendetta! Had a doctors surgery next to the pharmacy they applied for pp to extend we're rejected (backing onto flats behind) and moved thus lost a fair deal of business. A short while later council built flats, which surprise surprise were the same dimensions as the doctors proposal (overlooking flats behind) they couldn't sell these at the prices offered so have now become 3 council flats. Brilliant

OK - let's put your particular Council into Room 101, possibly setting them alight as we do so.
Poeple driving late at night on motorways who MUST sit there doing 60 in the middle lane overtaking nobody and not even doing the speed limit on the motorway.

Even more annoying now on the new 4 lane stretches on the M25 where they sit in the 3rd lane so you have to go from lane 1 to 4 just to overtake them.

Not sure about Room 101 but I'll only be happy once satellite based missiles are put in place to remove them. Surely that's the best use of GPS.
Griffo said:
Poeple driving late at night on motorways who MUST sit there doing 60 in the middle lane overtaking nobody and not even doing the speed limit on the motorway.

Even more annoying now on the new 4 lane stretches on the M25 where they sit in the 3rd lane so you have to go from lane 1 to 4 just to overtake them.

Not sure about Room 101 but I'll only be happy once satellite based missiles are put in place to remove them. Surely that's the best use of GPS.

I'll give you my full support on that one.

I think you should be allowed to move past someone on the inside if they are dithering along in the middle lane. After all, they are in the wrong in the first place as they shouldn't be out there unless they are overtaking. If they are overtaking then it wouldn't be possible to pass on the inside.
In the middle of the night on an all but deserted motorway, drivers who swing out of the slow lane to overtake me in the middle lane - and I'm not slouching - and then swerve close across my bow back to the slow lane.

The road is empty, the middle lane is safest in the event of a blow-out or some such, you've seen my tail lights from miles back, not a problem.

So, bearing in mind that rules are for fools and the guidance of wise men, I'll put into Room 101 the folk who think me being in the middle lane of an empty motorway is grounds for dangerous driving.
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