DE shavers.. How old are you?

54 years young. Started with Dads De then onto carts and canned goo. Bought a cheap Wilkinson Plastic DE about 2 years a go and have not looked back. RAD took over a bit:)angel:) but getting more selective about what I buy now. Currently own only about 40 razors, 20+ soaps/cream, 1000+ blades of various types and 6(ish) brushes. Plus A/S and balms, so I did not get into this game to save money....:dodgy::dodgy:
But shaving is a pleasure not a chore and have the chance to try different combinations makes it more fun..............would I go back to carts and goo, think they have their place but not for me.....Mad possibly..........having fun most defiantly............:p:p:p
46 - started DE shaving around November last year. First started shaving with a cartridge and then got into using a brush and soaps (bust still using a cartridge). Went onto using an Electric for a few years before going back to a wet shave. All of these weren't much good, until I found out about DE razors. Since then I'm a convert. Having experienced a shave with a SE, I'm interested in giving it a go...but haven't plucked up the courage to make the move.

First official shave, with Dad, was August 19th, 1964; still have the Big Fellow and boar brush he gave me that I use even today. It was his old razor and he picked up a Fat Boy my Uncle gave him. DE, SE but never a straight. Went to electric for a quick fix and out the door. Some Plastics (BICs). Returned full time wet shaving about two years ago and I've been catching up with RAD and SAD and --- well everything you can expect to catch at TSR.

Regards, Robert
First started de shaving @19 in the army with a travel set and palmolive stick (easier to carry in webbing) Progressed ???? to carts and canned goo as shaving became a PITA.
Restarted DE shaving about 11 months ago to "save money" and now really look forward to shaving every day again.
As for saving money well all the rads kicked in.
Now on asrad but still use the palmolive sticks in rotation with my other 30 odd soaps.
38, got into DE's through a mix of retro fetish, budget and an inability to find blades to fit my old favourite razor.

Promptly talked into using straights by people here and now I use DE's and SE's during the week with the straight coming out at the weekend if i have the time to spare.
57....... Started DE shaving last December so nearly 10 months, after falling for the ever increasing blade count Gillette advertising promise of shaving heaven. Suddenly realise was costing me £20 for 8 cartridges. Haven't actually saved money but had great fun trying numerous DEs A Shavette A Straight A Feather Artist Club non folding and finally settling on SEs as my preferred shaving tool, an O/C Gem Micromatic to be precise.
Guess I may now claw back some of my losses as it were, but who cares, it is the journey as they say.
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