DE shavers.. How old are you?

I'm in my Mid sixties....started with DE in my teens, had a brief flirtation with electric..(Not very satisfactory)......then onto Sensor XL for years before finally back where I started off with DE again.........Difference is I'm enjoying it this time around..
42 (43 in a couple of weeks). After rocking the unshaven look for a few years, my renewed interest in shaving was partly inspired by the amount of grey that started appearing in my stubble, despite my otherwise youthful appearance :icon_wink:

Started on the DE journey nearly 12 months ago, and also have SE, straight and shavette in my collection. Used Sensor Excel and canned goo for approx 20 years before that (which worked fine for me).

Have been surprised at how engrossing and acquisition-disorder-inclined this 'hobby' can be, considering the relatively small amount of time that you can actually spend shaving each day. Currently trying out new soaps/creams and brushes.

And scents.

And new blades.

And so on, and on and on... :icon_smile:
Francorelli said:
After rocking the unshaven look for a few years, my renewed interest in shaving was partly inspired by the amount of grey that started appearing in my stubble, despite my otherwise youthful appearance :icon_wink:

Sounds familiar. :)
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