DE shavers.. How old are you?

Tuesday September 13, 2011
I thought it would be interesting to see how old the average DE shaver is. I'll start, I'm 34 and just started shaving with a DE after years of using ripoff Mach 3, Fusion etc...
37 years and using a DE razor for a bit more than one year. Sometimes using my Dovo shavette or Böker straight razor, but mainly using my EJ or Fatboy De razor.
I'm 52, even though I started back DE shaving over the last year or so, I did start off for a few years with my Grandfathers DE and brush back in the 1970s, dont now why I just went over to the plastic razor, but i'm so pleased to move back, with the many collectable items and scents lotions and potions, I think most DE and straight razor Men have a simular personality trait, it's a liking for the whole setup the bits and bobs, it's a Man thing.

66 and hoping that, along with free eye tests and a bus pass, shaving stuff will also become free on the NHS.

I'm sure I heard Nick Clegg promise this during the election. If I didn't, then I'm off for a free hearing trumpet.
55 - started DE shaving in March. Have also expanded to the occasional SE and, yes, straights as well.

I seem to remember reading somewhere that switching to DE would save me money....hmmmmm....since March I have taken out a 2nd mortgage on my condo, sold my car, cashed in all my bonds and mutual funds, and if I had daughter I probably would have sold her to some unscrupulous white-slaver by now.....RAD is a cruel master....:icon_rolleyes:
pugh-the-special-one said:
I'm 52, even though I started back DE shaving over the last year or so, I did start off for a few years with my Grandfathers DE and brush back in the 1970s, dont now why I just went over to the plastic razor, but i'm so pleased to move back, with the many collectable items and scents lotions and potions, I think most DE and straight razor Men have a simular personality trait, it's a liking for the whole setup the bits and bobs, it's a Man thing.


Like Jamie, I like all the bits ........... I'm not quite so sure I fancy "Bob's" ! And I'm yet another pensioner.

JohnnyO. \:icon_razz:
29. I started shaving with my dad's old DE razor back in the day but blade prices (they're quite high where I live) and general availability made me switch to Gillette's Sensor Excel around 2003. Started hording DE blades while on vacation and little over a year ago discovered an internet blade retailer and then… well... acquisition disorder kicked in. Oh. And somewhere along the way I used an electric shaver for about a month – then trashed it.
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